Zuckerberg: President Warren would "suck" for Facebook

Came in here for this and left well satisfied indeed.

Now let’s see Tweedle Jack crap his pants about Liz as well.


It just seems to me that the dominant services, which are mostly owned by Google and Facebook — things like YouTube and WhatsApp — these things are driven by the manipulation model where all the money is made by third parties who are trying to manipulate the people who are their users. If that’s the way the system is designed at its core, I don’t think it has any chance to be good; it’s born to be terrible.


I have a stronger than normal ability to empathize with people that I strongly disagree with. To see the world through their eyes and feel why they do what they do, while still strongly disagreeing. But when I look at Zuckerberg I get nothing. I get more from an empty salad bowl. There is an absence of humanity that I’m not sure I have ever felt when looking at someone.

The fact that Warren has him feeling scared is fantastic.


Zuckerberg explains that he really only wants what’s best for America, explaining that his vast monopoly profits allow him to invest in countermeasures to fight disinformation campaigns, and suggesting that if Facebook had to compete and therefore lower its margins, he would not be able to do be as effective.

Zuck’s gonna make one helluva Mr. Burns someday.


What a windbag. This guy has a bright future in politics.


explaining that his vast monopoly profits allow him to invest in countermeasures to fight disinformation campaigns


When it comes to Facebook employees whose friends give them shit about working for a terrible, cancerous monopolist, Zuck tells them to remind their pals that Facebook “has their best interests at heart.”

This speech really needs a laughtrack.

I’m sure Warren appreciates the free ad, too.


Yeah, what do you think that “share” link does on BB? Maybe BB should lead by example and remove their Facebook links and trackers (and Twitter’s, too, while they’re at it).


He already does.

Hmm - are there any BB bloggers whose posts these days seem to mostly consist of little other than Twitter content (as opposed to narrative blogging)? BB eschewing Twitter might be problematic…


A decade after Zuckerberg’s private message saying “They trust me — dumb fucks” was released, he still expects people to trust him, and somehow many still do. How little his actions influence public opinion of Facebook is astounding


I tend to skip over those posts. Sometimes I skim the first few tweets. Occasionally the chain of tweets gives some collective insight. More often it just feels like a bunch of noise that I must get away from as fast as possible.


@orenwolf has explained several times before why the site has those social media share links. He can provide a link to one of those comments, but what it comes down to is this: like the shoddily run advertising networks they use, it’s one of those necessary evils that comes along with running a high-traffic general interest content site.

Xeni tends to use a lot of tweets in her articles of late, but I’m sure she could do without them.


As a forefather of the digital age, Jaron Lanier was not only present during this time; he is widely considered one of the digital world’s most influential creators. Lanier is often lauded by tech enthusiasts as the “Father of Virtual Reality.”

That guy is such a shameless boot-strapping self-promoter.


Yep. Except I never click that “share” link. (I am not on Facebook or Twitter or Insta or any of that social media-miasma. )

But I hear what you are saying.

And yeah… this…

… it is… a conundrum is it not?
How does one make money to cover the costs of this bbs?
And even profit from it?
How to square this?

The irony is not lost on me.
I am grateful you are pointing this out though, and your point is well taken.

In all seriousness, if anyone has cracked this conundrum please DM me as I and my partner continue to live very very financially constrained lives (as the “precariat”) while working in IT/tech stuff, self-employed and refusing to shake the filthy paw of late stage capitalism.


Yeah he is a lot of things. It is hard to know for real how influential these days he may be, since the attention span of online denizens is usually measured in days and a “well, what have you done in the last week/day/minute that supports your argument now eh?” mindset.

So unless he’s Grace Hopper, I try to balance taking him at face value and taking his words with a few very large grains of salt.

I have a hard time separating the messenger from the message.


You do know that Jaron Lanier has no control over Huffington Post, right?


Huffington Post was probably lazy and read his Wikipedia page, which is a carefully constructed promotion piece, either by sock accounts or fan boys. It’s been on my watchlist for 10 years or so. My Wiki-give-a-shit level was never high enough to take tweezers to it.


My point was that however any of us feel about Lanier, he didn’t put the article up and he has no control over whether or not HuffPo links to social media… Whether or not he’s on social media, I don’t know, because other than here… I’m not really on social media… So, I don’t get what posting images of the article about him and pointing to the links to social media was meant to accomplish, other than showing what a hypocrite he is? :woman_shrugging:


Just moved this to the top of the heap of my collection of observations re Zuckerberg’s eerie, scary, other-worldy non-humanness. So aptly put. Empty salad bowl. Thank you Gary!



The irony though.
The irony.


I get the irony, but again, he really doesn’t have any control about what HuffPo (or anyone else who quotes him or talks about him) does, yeah? I suppose that he could sue everyone with links to social media that talks about him or quotes him, but that’s not really practical.

I’d also say that if you’re at all interested in these issues and what we should be doing about them, they are going to have to be happening online, and much of online has indeed been colonized by the social media button. One can post on some obscure website that ignores social media, or they can give talks that are never put up on any form of social media, or they can post their manifesto on the street lights or hand them out in public… the reality is that will only get you so far with regards to sharing whatever it is you have to say. This is why we need systemic change that includes government regulation, because so much of the public sphere is now online and if you want to be part of that, you have to have some sort of engagement there, like it or not…