Zuckerberg to Facebook users: you agreed to this

how did you get from ‘collects metadata about your calls’ to ‘records your calls’?

without my defending the former, I’d like some evidence of the latter please.

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I get that people are upset, but I don’t understand why anyone is surprised. This is the exact same way that every other major corporation functions. ISPs, Pharma, Tech, Energy. Abuse the trust and power you are given in every way possible to maximize profits and impress shareholders until you get caught. Apologize, hope you stay in business long enough for people to forget and go about their business. rinse and repeat.


Is Facebook GDRP compliant yet?

Supposedly this would allow an FB user to request and delete on request all personal data that FB holds.

Also won’t this break Facebook?

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Out of interest @beschizza are you an active FB user? I imagine it’s a necessary evil in your line of work.

Don’t have Facebook myself, so going off what is being said, so consider that in my reply. Just heard a guy on a tv news report saying he had downloaded his Facebook data and found that some, but not all, of his calls included voice recordings. No clue what the proportion was nor what the determining factors were, nor even if this is accurate. I do know that if it is true (and collection of at the very least metadata is not debated) the potential hippa exposure for docs is $50000 per occurrence. Not sure if metadata would constitute a breach, but the fact is that acknowledging that a certain person is a patient of mine absolutely does constitute a breach, the concern is very very real.


I heard that Hillary was a man. Some guy on TV says the wildest stuff! No way he could ever influence the likes of you and me, though. That guy, what a moose.

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Via Superpunch - http://www.superpunch.net/2018/03/im-gonna-show-just-how-much-of-your.html

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It would be the doctor violating HIPAA by allowing the app to upload the data. They’re held to a higher standard than the standard person; that doesn’t mean they know more or are more careful, but they’re supposed to be.

It would probably be a violation for the data to be on the phone in the first place. Your name and phone number alone are not Protected Health Information (PHI), the doctor would have to be texting with the patient about their health (or demographic information) which I’m sure is not considered a sufficiently confidential medium.

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Victim blaming.

Not a fan of when BB or anyone else selectively omits information to spin things in their favor.

In particular:

We never sell this data, and this feature does not collect the content of your text messages or calls

All this does is scrape phone numbers so it can link them to messenger contacts.


This is why I make sure that they still have only my old landline number, even though its been disconnected for ten years.


This reminds me of the summary of the typical internet help thread:

OP: “Help! HELP! I’m stuck in a well!!!”
Users1-4: “Climb! Climb up and take our hands!”
OP: “I’m thinking I should dig… should I dig?”
User5: “NO! I was trapped in a well, and digging is a bad idea! Climb out!”
Users6-8: “Were lowering ropes! Take hold of a rope!”
User9: “I’ve even tied a harness to the end of this one!”
OP: “I can feel the ropes, but I don’t want to hold onto them… should I dig?”
User10: “No! If you dig, you’ll hit water, and then you’ll be proper hosed. I should know, I almost drowned.”
OP: “I dug a little bit just now, and I haven’t hit water. I’m gonna keep digging…”
Users11-18: “No! Climb! Climb out!”
OP: “Guys, I’m seriously stuck in this well! Help! HELP!!!”
User19: “I was trapped in a well once. It took me two years, but I managed to build a climbing machine that pulled me to safety out of a well bucket and a pocket watch. I’m dropping the blueprints, extra buckets, and an assortment of pocket watches.”
User20: “I’ve engineered a jet-pack that will rocket you to safety. Stay where you are and we’ll lower it down!”"
“OP: “Thanks for your help, guys. I’m gonna keep digging. I’ll find the Mines of Moria and I’ll just walk to the surface.”
Users1-20 piss in the well
User21: “Guys, seriously… stop peeing in the well.””



Sigh. Can you say this is untrue? Or are you relying on Facebook’s statements?

Disagree. If your name and phone are associated with me as your physician it is indeed a hippa violation. Therefore, i am concerned that collection of metadata could very well put us at risk of hippa laws with or without content data. This is why we cannot leave voicemail without permission. “Hey Joe, some oncologist called for you. What’s up?” Having that metadata could be just as bad.


Or am I relying on yours? Kind internet stranger.

See my reply just above this. From a hippa standpoint, if you have the metadata, which is not in debate, the question of do they have content or not is possibly moot. Considering that pretty much every time they have said they would never do X, they in fact have been shown to be I fact doing X would suggest you take their statement with a huge grain of salt.

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I don’t think Facebook is liable for hippa, side he is not a “provider.” The doc a/o practice would be liable should something leak.