40 outrageously offensive vintage ads

I especially like how the dialogue infers that all the decisions were the woman’s, and the man simply “okayed” them, yet this somehow means HE’S the amazing one whereas she commits to having him okay all her future choices. Just…(head shaking)…wow.

Also…wtf was it that he proved in this ad, anyway?


This underscores a point I’ve been making in that it’s easy to get offended at past decades or past times, but the same s@#, different iteration and manifestation goes on right here in the here and now. Shouldn’t we be concentrating our efforts at what goes on today?

Speaking of today’s ads (and - by implication - how folk will see them in the future) there are ads certainly we (as a society) already know are offensive. But there’s not a lot we can do about those ads today that we don’t know are going to be offensive in hindsight. It’s quite difficult to imagine what these might be. Some of them we may guess, but others will be complete surprises to us. It’s almost a Rumsfeldian scenario.

What struck me about it wasn’t the sexism, which is pretty much expected particularly given the framing here, but to what lengths they claim they’re going to provide the most flattering and luxurious service…

Seems to me, gender politics has progressed less than airline service has regressed.

That title is a bit linkbait-y

And then there are ads that are from some bizarre parallel universe that it’s hard to even watch with a straight face. I really wonder what future generations will infer about us based on those. For example, my daughter and I recently visited the US. While we were there, we saw TV commercials for “flashlight friends” - stuffed animals with flashlights in them. When the narration enthusiastically announced that “Kids love stuffed animals! Kids love flashlights!”, my daughter’s reaction was “What kids would those be? Because I never get this excited about flashlights”.

In the future, stuffed animals will actually be endowed with AI and our grandchildren will look back at us with uncomprehending horror when they see we used to shove flashlights in 'em. They’ll know that, back then, stuffed animals were just, well, stuffed animals, but the vision will be so overwhelming …

Or, no. not that. It’ll be tortoises. Tortoises will undergo a huge evolutionary leap and all our tortoise-based ads will appear so insufferably condescending.

So I’m not crazy. Also, thank God for the Pill.

If it were seen on buzzfeed or cracked or huffpo, sure.

Here, it’s factual and descriptive.

I was asking the question, not trying to put words in your mouth. But, that doesn’t answer the question, do you support “regulated out of existence”?

Is DRM killing children in London ?
— Cory Doctorow


You won’t believe what sexy wooden instrument I made from reclaimed wood
— Mark Frauenfelder

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Better than the folks stuffing fleshlights into them.

Even money cuddly toys with added fleshlights is already a thing…

40 outrageously offensive vintage ads
— Mark Frauenfelder

Nope, the preferred option would be for society to wake up and stop giving the offending corporations money. But that’s going to take a long time… education is still struggling as the loudest voices against sexism get buried under mountains of threats and insults so still we’re quite a ways away from the tipping point.

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I’m aware :op It’s mainly a subset of furries and bronies.

The ad copy made it sound like “These girls are all real good, probably way out of your class, but we get the creme de la creme at our airline!”

That doesn’t seem overly offensive to me. Sorry girls you didn’t make it, but the competition was fierce and you were all fine competitors. Maybe PanAm will take you? Ok, that’s a little passive aggressive, but you get the idea.

Don’t forget about “that little itch” i.e. dandruff

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