A fantastic standing (or sitting) desk

Much cheaper than my fathers solution: http://www.recaro.com

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For some reason, my VW Fox had Recaro seats and they were fantastic. Also, I think German engineers have a better intuitive grasp of ergonomics than the Japanese, at least in their ability to grasp the true immensity of the Anglo-Saxon heinie.

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My father, owner of the previous model shitty spine that I have, had a Recaro mounted on a desk-chair stand and used it in his office for 2+ decades. I think when he retired he took it home, I’ll have to check and see.

I just got a standing desk, it’s changed my life. There is where I got it. http://standsteady.com/collections/frontpage/products/the-original-stand-steady-standing-desk-stand-up-desk.

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