Anders Breivik threatens hunger strike over "torture" of only getting a PS2

I think that is probably one of the Supermax Prisons that are designed to maximize isolation.

Wait til you look at his arms.

100% agree. This is not news.

Well this is the Swiss idea of a vacation cabin, so Breivik has it pretty good.


Breivik believes global warming is a hoax, he believes theres a war on Christmas, hates “secularism,” hates “political correctness,” hates "“multiculturalism,” wants to restore “Christian culture,” and embraces Pat Buchanan’s wildly antisemitic theory about “Cultural Marxism.”


No, I mean, I get that his own personal parts are held together by magic and fairy dust (literally, IIRC), but the bandanna isn’t part of his body, it’s just sort of perched on top of his torso-part.

Maybe that’s why the recent games subtly turned it into a hoodie, so it can plausibly be attached to his…torso-covering.

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Anybody played Rayman Jungle Run, BTW? It’s surprisingly good for a phone game.

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The day they “reintegrate” him and put him back with the general population without the advent of armed guards keeping him safe, is the day somebody will disintegrate him, permanently.


This is where it all falls down. Is the prisoner ever going to be allowed out. If not, then keeping him imprisoned is a public health issue.

They have a blanket AND fire?! Are they soft girlie-men?!

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Not just in Norway but almost all western european (e.g. Germany, I know 'cause I live there) nations focus on rehabilitation of the prisoner. And we have the silly notion that “equal before the law” is one core concept in a democratic nation with the rule of law. So human/civil rights are for all humans not only the ones we deem worthy and therefore even prisoners rights have to be respected. It’s a slippery slope if you start to make exceptions as Germany learned in it’s recent history. The US should learn from those error too instead of seeing it as some sort of role model (i.e. Guantanamo).

Edit: Should have been a reply to DaHorse not Mindysan33, can’t change that apparently


Hmmm - I disagree. Laughing at the piece of shit completely voids his power as the boogeyman.

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Yeah, just like England’s cultural treatment of Guy Fawkes totally voided any and all power he had, right?

Not like he would later go on to become a pop culture symbol of violent anti-authority resistance or anything…

Laughing at something doesn’t destroy it. Laughter used darkly is a coping mechanism, best reserved for those things which you are powerless to do anything about, and that although you can’t fix, you can at least prevent yourself from being consumed by their toxicity.

If instead you want to actually do something about a problematic figure or symbol - if you really want to utterly destroy something - then you need to let it be forgotten, allow it to exit human experience and enter into oblivion. Otherwise, it lingers as a shadow, and no matter how much power you think you rob it of by laughing at it, it can always come back to haunt you later.

This is why the ancients obliterated the names of hated kings and pharaohs and whatnot from all written records they could lay their hands on. Names have power, and speaking a name grants it more power. Every time anyone thinks about the madman in question, every time they reflect upon his senseless violence and his offensive insanity, we surrender another speck of dignity and humanity and peace of mind.

And for what? So newspapers and blogs and radio stations can make some money luring in readers and listeners for their grim spectacle of ghoulish obsessive outrage long enough cut to a commercial. “We’ll have more details on this horrible terrible thing you can’t do anything about or hope to change or better in any way, right after these messages from our sponsors! Fear! Consume! Fear! Consume!”


ever watch Mel Brooks’ The Producers?

(goes back to playing Lego Star Wars on PS2)

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But maybe the Norwegians have something even more diabolical in store. It’s possible that they are setting him up for a long legal battle over access to the PS3, and only after eventually providing him with one will they disclose that there is now a PS4 and he can’t have one.

Heh, it’d be cool if they were artfully driving trollies his sense of entitlement.


Prison LAN parties are the longest.

You mean when people like Breivik were running the country? /sarcasm

Sure… doesn’t mean it’s not inhuman.


Despite the fact that Norway only allows for 21 years, they can extend a sentence if it seems that the person can’t be reintegrated into society or if they would be a threat or threatened. So, I doubt he’ll ever get out.


You can see my reply to @pyalot, as that is exactly what they do.