Anti-surveillance protesters fly internet freedom blimp over NSA data center



This is indeed delightful.


For older NSA/Balloon lols, hereā€™s Mark Thomas from 1999.

And an archive of the Menwith Balloon Tours website.

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Hey if I was living at my parentā€™s I could of seen that from my house!

[insert meta-joke about being seen by NSA at all times]

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I donā€™t know whatā€™s worse for prying and spying: parents or the NSA.


When I grew up, the whole household shared one land line. But my parents only recorded the metadata.


Now, if you could haul up some 250lb bombs and let 'em go, weā€™re really be talking.

How is it not already illegal to overfly the NSA facility?

They hate us for our freedoms, after all!

Freedom Fries!

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I think theyā€™re just next-to-flying it

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Iā€™m going to start a side business remanufacturing dolls, just so I can legitimately say ā€˜Iā€™m expecting a shipment of armsā€™ on the phone.


Hell yeah! Itā€™s the goddamn FREEDOM BLIMP muthafuckas!

We know how the US Gov. reacts to such slights: someone will be shot at and/or lifelong treason sentences will be handed out ā€¦ because of freedomā€¦


Better be. Remember about 10 years back, the guy who crashed his plane into an IRS building rather than pay his taxes? Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t scramble fighters for this one.

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/twitch[quote=ā€œDloBurns, post:4, topic:35823ā€]
I could of seen that

Couldā€™ve is short for ā€˜could haveā€™.

I think I can blame my utah-lazy-tongue accent. By the way, if you need to find me I live on the mounā€™ain next to the crick

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