Badass Space Dragon - Final Results

“Well, that’ssss a relief. No more visitsss to the head for me. I’m done with all thiss corporeal nonsssensse.”

“You’re thmiling, Thththkipper. Have you no regretth?”

“Very few, little buddy. Our wider goal wass accomplished, and our own missionss very nearly ssso. Had the hull held out jussst a bit longer, we’d have won Misssion 2 as well as Misssion 3, and we’d be tied at the top of the Grit-rankingss, without even counting the double-misssion Grit bonusss. And you’ll remember that of our crew, the Spppace Lizardsss fortunate enough to ssserve aboard Itsss Majesty’sss Vesssel Flatulent Deity, not a sssingle sssolitary one sssuccumbed to Fear. Not once. I’d sssay we ssserved with honor and dissstinction, and we couldn’t asssk for a better end. Would have been niccce had you lived to command your own ssship, but that bothersss you more than it doess me, I’ll warrant.”

“Wouldn’t it have been thlightly better to have, you know, thurvived?”

“Ha! And ssspend the ressst of our dayss lissstening to the competing campaign sssloganss of General Nixxxon and that asssshat Brad Nebula? No thanksss. Obviousssly, death is a comfortably ssssuperior outcome.”

“I thuppothe you’re right, Thththkipper.”

“Of coursssse I am. Now… what would you recommend we do next?”

“Well, thir, the Deity ith thoroughly decommiththioned, our twithted, blackened, and frozen corptheth will drift for quite thome time until the gravity well of yon gath giant claimth them, and there theem to be no unchecked itemth on our To-Do Litht. Ath well, there theem to be no itemth at all on our Able-To-Do Litht. Exthept item #1: ‘Haunt the Thpathewayth.’”

“Haunt the what?”

“Thpathewayth, thir.”

“Oh. Haunt the Sssspacewaysss.”

“Exactly tho.”

“Well then. Make it sssso, lieutenant. All together now:”
