I’ve posted before about Death Waltz Recording Co., the fantastic reissue label that deals in exquisitely-curated horror/cult vinyl soundtracks in gorgeous packaging. The Vinyl Factory interviewed Death Waltz proprietor Spencer Hickman about the label and his favorite horror soundtracks. (Dig Spencer’s shirt emblazoned with the Overlook Hotel carpet pattern!) The latest Death Waltz releases… READ THE REST
That soundtrack to Forbidden World seems to be a recycling of Louis and Bebe Barron’s groundbreaking electronic soundtrack for Forbidden Planet.
Reading this reminded me of an excellent ResidentAdvisor Podcast featuring Alan Howarth (collaborator with John Carpenter on his soundtracks). It’s over an hour mix of Carpenter soundtracks that is just amazing.
Sadly the episode is archived now, but if you can find it, well worth a listen to!
Much fun to be had just playing “guess the movie” from the mix.
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