Christians sue Satanists

Yeah, I know. Bullet-proof glass for the Pope, and for the body of Christ, a lunch-box-grade lock and key.


I would give long odds that it happened exactly in the way you described it.

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Cunningly substituted wafers, which, after being eaten by the Catholics, could be claimed to have turned into THE BODY OF SATAN!!! ZOMG!!!1!!!11!!!

"I have raised my concerns with city officials and pointed out how deeply offensive this proposed sacrilegious act is to Christians and especially to the more than 250,000 Catholics who live in Oklahoma," Coakley wrote. "I am certainly concerned about the misuse of a publicly supported facility for an event which has no other purpose than mocking the Catholic faith. I am especially concerned about the dark powers that this Satanic worship invites into our community and the spiritual danger that this poses to all who are involved in it, directly or indirectly."

They got exactly what they wanted, which was this. I guarantee you none of the Oklahoma Satanists had any intention of fucking a goat in public, or whatever else they said they were going to do.

What we have here is the statement of a man who fundamentally does not understand or at all accept the concept of freedom of speech or freedom of religion.




Although I suppose this one is a bit more appropriate for this thread:


Actually, the truth is deeper. Gd wanted to remain unknown, so that the true moralists and lovers of mankind would follow the true path without external guidance. But then along came Jss and he started bragging about his “real Dad.” As punishment, Gd sent Jss down below. Jss and Stn are one and the same! (and that’s the true story of the Mystery of the Holy Trinity)

Looks like the Catholics have dropped the suit

But the Satanists are still going to give back the wafers as the suit was requesting

It’s Christ! Crackers are made out of Christ.

You’ve gotta tell them!


I didn’t. I think the guy was a jerk, but totally within his rights to do it. If people wanted to protest it, they’d be within their rights, too, bot trying to use the law to stop him or use physical force over it is right out. If anyone tried that, I’d be 100% on the asshole preacher’s side in his dispute with them.


The need to have satanic masses in the Hobby Lobby parking lot.

Well, if you want to go that route, it is trivial to receive the host at communion (it’s not like they card you, y’know) and palm it when you receive the host.

I personally find it most plausible that the Satanists achieved possession of unconsecrated hosts (thanks to @awfulhorrid for pointing out that it was only alleged, I skimmed that bit) and called them sacred mainly because it sounds more offensive.

I’m thinking art installation.

Would it be possible to mix up the sacramental wine and wafers (after surreptitiously collecting them each mass) and mash them up into a paste you could shape into a mannequin?

Call it The Body of Christ.

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The Vice article elaborates that (according to the Satanist at least) they were mail ordered from a priest in Turkey.

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The real enemy is the Pagan Atheists (preach on Tween Jesus & Me!)

…alleging that, under Catholicism’s Code of Canon Law, the consecrated wafers Daniels had obtained for the ceremony belong to the Catholic Church, as do all wafers that have been blessed by a priest.

This is going to be bad news for all those Protestants…


I have a terrible feeling that that’s not (deliberately) ironic. I could be wrong, though.

Sounds a bit like a copyright license.