D.C. decriminalizes marijuana possession - $25 fine for up to 1 ounce

I guess the Massachusetts fine is 4x as much (i.e. $100), but unless I’m missing an extra something, marijuana is just as decriminalized in MA as it is now in DC.

Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, possession of one ounce or less of marihuana shall only be a civil offense, subjecting an offender who is eighteen years of age or older to a civil penalty of one hundred dollars and forfeiture of the marihuana, but not to any other form of criminal or civil punishment or disqualification.


Note that in MA, as well as I’m guessing DC, possession “with intent to distribute” is still illegal. Which, as someone who works in the DA’s office told me, means folks shouldn’t go around with their ounce of weed in multiple little dime bags.

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And continued probation on the city council for several years. :wink:

Sadly, he’s not even the biggest criminal in DC politics.

Like posting a speed limit to low our institutions create a system where breaking the law is ok as long as you don’t get caught and if you do it’s a slap on the wrist.

It breeds a general disrespect for law.

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If you look at the opinions of the Fox News columnists you’ll find much support for marijuana legalization. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/06/16/john-stossel-drug-war-marijuana-war-drugs-drug-cartels/ http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/01/10/america-ill-prepared-for-marijuana-mayhem/

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What kind of pot are you buying that comes from Mexico?

I’m not sure I really understand the rationale behind “ticketing” for mere possession. If it’s not criminal to have it anymore, it makes much more sense to ticket behavior/use, just like with alcohol, you can’t be drunk and disorderly in general public (outside designated locations). But a ticket just for…having it? Does anything else work that way? I can’t think of any.

Having an open alcoholic drink in a car or in a public place. Having on your person certain types of weapons. And in New Jersey having flash paper without a good reason.

Yeah, well, thanks to some temporary madness, the ticket is a more than the measly $5 it used to be. But it’s not really enforced unless the smoker in question is being beligerant about it. Just don’t try to smoke on the Quad during Hash Bash, because that’s still a felony if the campus police bust you.

I agree, but possibly it’s because it’s much easier to prove that a person is drunk (breathalyzer, blood test) then to prove that they are high. Having THC in your blood doesn’t prove that you are currently high.

Also, the point is that pot, and possession of it, is still illegal. It’s just not a criminal offense.

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