Dad uses KitKat to trick daughter into eating vegetables


This is awful! The baby has food in her mouth and is chewing while he is trying to push another spoonful in! Babies are so close to their instincts, there is no need to trick them into eating, they know when they need food and they know when their stomachs are full: turning away is not a sign of petulance, but just a signal to her dad…poor baby, how does she know what a kitkat is anyway!


I wanted to see what happened in the five seconds after the end of the video.


ur, she doesn’t want more food because her mouth is full. she eats the final spoon, not cos of the kitkat, but cos she has finshed the previous spoonful #parerntingfail


I’ve done a similar trick with cheese - guess what happens half the time. *spit*


I think this guy was just making a video for the internet. I really doubt he does this on a regular basis. Well, I hope so anyway.


This is awful! The baby has food in her mouth and is chewing while he is trying to push another spoonful in!

thankyou I logged in to say just that

…and this is BoingBoing-worthy material how?

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There’s been a bunch of kid hacks… hack-your-kids… uh… parenting hacks on lately.

I think there must be some natural schadenfreude associated with raising a kid or something but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

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Because it’s Mark’s blog?

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Wuh…she already has pierced ears?!

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Yeah, personally, pierced ears on a baby or toddler freak me out even more than the whole circumcision debate. But it’s better to just Not Go There.

In some of the families children don’t eat healthy food and this is a good trick to make child eat vegetables but trying this on such a small baby, its useless. What say??

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