DoJ report on Montana justice: Don't get raped in Missoula, even if you're only five years old

No. The term for this is privilege.

Rape doesn’t always break down cleanly along political lines, though. There are plenty of rapists in this world who support left-wing causes. You can be left-wing and an entitled, selfish, inconsiderate asshole at the same time.


If anyone would like to sign a petition to Congress to have gender included as a protected category under federal hate crime laws, so that rape/sexual assault can be tried on the federal level (when local governments give a slap on the wrist or less), you can sign or share it here:

From the article:

In another case, the Justice Department spoke to a woman whose daughter was sexually assaulted, at the age of five, by an adolescent boy, who was sentenced to two years of community service for the crime. A prosecutor handling the case allegedly told the mother that “boys will be boys.”

From a comment on Fark:

They just use the word “adolescent.” So my best guess is 10-12, because if it were over 12 they would have said “teenager” as it creates a more salacious story.

It also says “sexual assault” and not “rape,” which means it definitely wasn’t the legal definition of rape (or again, the article would have said rape – as articles of this nature milk every ounce of scandal)

So technically speaking, a 10 year old could have chased a 5 year old around the yard with his willie out for the lulz and that would fulfill the language used for the article.

It’s still shitty and horrible, but assuming the sexual assaulter was 10-12 years old, then what punishment would be appropriate? Community service and psychological counseling sounds about right to me. Jail time seems counterproductive.

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I’m pretty sure the point was that the dismissive comment by the prosecutor that “boys will be boys” is beyond inappropriate, and is likely to discourage those in similar situations from even filing a complaint. Jail time probably isn’t appropriate, but neither is the behavior of the prosecutor.


I suspect you are thinking of prosecutorial discretion . Perhaps you see the actions described as falling under this, but I know that I don’t. I can’t speak to what the legal system(s) would say, since IANAL and logic doesn’t always apply, but that is part of why I asked the questions originally.

Assume much? The 5 year old probably assumed she was safe around “adolescents.” I’m sure she doesn’t anymore.

Not sure how it works where you live, but where I live harm done with a motor car is treated much less seriously than harm done with other implements. Because of this, money is spent on the other side of the issue, trying to prevent trouble in the first place.

Regardless of how you see the issue, DUI enforcement has taken a huge chunk out of road trauma over the last three decades or so.

This is constantly the cry of the trigger-free. But those of us that actually are triggered by things like this for the most part can handle the WORD rape/SA, but may not really be in the mental space at the exact moment, to handle the details of one, or further discussion of one.


A heartfelt thank you for the implementation of trigger warnings. I can see by the comments against it, that it that triggers and trigger warnings remain semantic fodder for the unaffected. Please please don’t let them dissuade you into not continuing their usage. For a lot of us they really do make a difference. Sometimes you’re just not in the headspace to read the details of a violent SA. I do understand what some of the commenters are getting at when they are saying “with a title like that, what’s the point of a trigger warning?” The clickbait-y title is indeed very close to triggery, but that’s the current state of online journalism titles and you get used to it. But the TW is still very useful and a good habit to keep.


Bone charcoal on cave walls?

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Which ones are those? Quite honestly, not making fun, which comments are -against- it?

closest I could find is @nemonowan, and that was really just a terrible pun on a black and white TV star.

Nobody is being oppressed here.

No, that’s Cory writing a classic link-bait headline, as Cory does.

You are correct, hope you don’t mind my clarification.

Hey, he can write whatever he wants, of course. But he definitely leans more towards “sensationalist headline that misrepresents the actual content of the article” than anybody else that posts here.

Hawaii. The locals are often slow and full of spam. Also, the marvelous view of the crystal blue water could give you a moments reprieve from being brutalized.

I’m not sure other 5 year-olds read the news carefully enough for this to have too much of a chilling effect.

Do they run on XP still?

freedom of the press begins with owning one.

?? Why do you invoke me on a thread I haven’t posted in?