Experimental fluorescent lamb with jellyfish DNA accidentally eaten

No question, yes. And not to devolve into a mad scientist type discussion…

One inch steel tube with thread on both ends. Attach a 2000 watt water Heater element to one side, and a cap with a 15pound pressure reliever on the other. Fill with Insanity sauce.

Wire the element to a relay controlled by a motion sensor. When tripped turn on element, 60 seconds later no living thing will be in that room.

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I like that.

Another option is using a fog machine, with insanity sauce instead of glycerine. Or maybe with pure capsaicine added to the fog fluid.

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Did almost the same thing once…

Preheated a pan with some pepper-infused oil in it, got delayed getting the food into it until the oil was at the verge of its smoke point. Decided to quench it with vinegar, which was one of the other ingredients anyway. When that liquid (mostly water, of course) hit the oil that was probably 350 F, it instantly flashed to steam and took the oil with it as an aerosol.

My roommate and I literally crawled out of the kitchen…

So, for the weaponized version, I would suggest including a fair bit of water as a dispersant.


Are you referring to known issues in the EU (OP is about a French lamb)? USDA posts all their recalls, enforcement actions and adjudications on their website. Thanks to the frequent listing of pork, I wasn’t able to tease out a higher rate of issues with religious meat processing vs. commercial meat processing.

Capsaicin isn’t water soluble. Maybe heat capsaicin infused oil (or pure capsaicin) first then add the water like you said?


In the US there are regular reports of issues with kosher facilities usually not of the recall sort though. Often slaughter of ill animals, those unfit for human consumption, shut downs of plants due to sanitation issues, animal cruelty charges (typically involving poorly applied slaughter technique and abusive animal handling) etc. Or exposes of facilities not actually following kosher rules. Seems to happen every 3 years or so, and it’s frequently the same handful of facilities run by the few large companies that control the market here.

I’m at work so I can’t spare the time to point you at articles, but a bit on Google should turn up plenty. I’ve heard halal meats have a similar problems but don’t recall as many scandals.

Or course it could be “weaponized” for a booby trap - pepper spray (and bear spray) is capsaicin. Same thing, different form and concentration.

However, when setting up an anti-burglar trap, remember there will be a time after you get rid of the burglar, and consider how you will live with the effects. I had a friend who wanted to get a tear-gas release for his car, until I asked him if he’d ever tried to clean tear gas out of something. Enough said?

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