Gamergate "running out of heroes"

I think the last gasp is always the loudest. In any event, it’s mostly out of their hands. The mainstream gaming industry has taken note of their issues. Big companies like Bioware have not only been actively working toward a better gender representation, they’ve had Sarkeesian speak there*. Even if these guys are the new hires of the gaming companies, there’s older, wiser heads in charge.

Companies are still going to make “Army Shooter Game #2284” because that stuff sells. But they’re thinking about new ways to tell the stories. I know I mention this example a lot, but Guild Wars 2 finished off a storyline in which 7/9 major characters were female. And people noticed. Specifically, there were complaints that there “were not enough guys”. Which, to me, is brilliant because the ratio is swapped in 99.9% of other games and most people don’t even notice.

So maybe these guys won’t grow up, but things are going to move along without them.

*Source: a buddy of mine at Bioware. IDK if he was supposed to mention it, but I’m not under NDA to Bioware. :wink: