Gluing stuff to a motorcycle

Good to hear.
I can now tell my wife that I finally have enough peer-reviewed data to replace her roundel…

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I see you’re also using 3M 2093EL tape…

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That looks like my /5 6Gal, tank, I thought they all took screw-in roundels. You should go for those if you can, they are way better looking, I imagine they might be scarce, nowadays,

It is a /6 tank with space for the master cyl under the tank. Those are the correct roundels, screws would put holes in the tank! It is the 6 gal touring tank, I gave up the. 4 gal toaster (sans toaster panels) as. I really prefer it.

The white foam version is actually pretty crappy and foam degrades quickly and leaves sticky residue.
The clear jelly like indoor version is not as sticky but is easy to remove quickly once you separate the parts. It is like super version the stuff used to stick ads in to magazines.
The grey foam version is a much more resistant to water and UV. Once you separate the parts it takes more effort clean of the stuff.
Each is very different and has places where it is better to use.

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