Hawaii 5-0 drum fill


Methinks he should have gone for a stick ‘drop’ rather than an over-the-shoulder toss.

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For comparison, the actual 5-0 theme: http://youtu.be/uQ9xfNn09eQ?t=3s

You decide.

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@petzl The version you linked sounds funny to me. This is the one I remember from my childhood: http://youtu.be/LrkrQXuDq24

I wonder how many official versions there are.

Yeah, the video is cute, but misleading. I thought the kid was really reproducing some actual drum fill, as opposed to making an exaggerated stunt version of it. Nothing wrong with making up an exaggerated version to show off, but I had to check YouTube only to find the actual fill is based on a normal range of tom toms with added kettle drums.

He was probably nervous. Few give Clemenza’s detailed instructions the attention they deserve. The man knows how to perform an execution.

My most ingrained memory of “Hawaii Five-O” was that I had two spinster aunts who felt the same way about Jack Lord as Patty and Selma did about Richard Dean Anderson. It was creepy.

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I’m 5-O-D’ing on this 3-minute long version. (The 6 minute video seems to be 2 repetitions of the 3 minute version?) Never heard it before. Mahalo!

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