Hillary Clinton isn't the only US politician who used a private account to avoid official email

Everytime we talk about Bush and Clinton as the two obvious candidates, I throw up a little in my mouth. If it wasn’t for the like 3 “wedge” issues that superficially divide them, we would have about as much choice in who we get to have as a leader as the Russians do.

Personally, I am sickened that Hillary is so far ahead in polls. After the miserable failure that was Obama, I would have thought that Democrats would be rearing for some real change. Obama at least pretended to be anti-establishment. Hillary doesn’t even pretend. A vote for Hillary is essentially a vote for Dubya Bush, as is, hilariously enough, a vote for Jeb Bush.

I really, desperately, hope that Democrats pull their heads out of their asses and nominate a real liberal. Elizabeth Warren might be a bit too touchy-feely for my taste, but god damn it all, I would take a true believer who I mildly dislike over a straightup establishment drone like Hillary. Ditto for the Republicans. I would take a crazy fucking loon like Ron Paul long before I would take another fucking Bush.

On the plus side, I don’t live in a swing state so my vote literally doesn’t count. I get to throw my vote in the trashcan of a third party without any sort of regret or guilt. Hurray “democracy”.