Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova profiled in GQ

Have a look at photographer Steve McCurry’s photographs of people from cultures all over the world (I think it’s the Phaidon Press book): you will note that body modification is a pretty damn common human behavior. There’s nothing wrong with your personal desires, but try not to pull the cheap card trick of making what I expect into this must be what everyone expects (and to expect otherwise is unnatural).


Trans people have a diverse set of desires and modalities in exercising the plasticity of their anatomies and physiologies.

One could make the argument that most culturallly-based body modifications of the past were made and done so that one would feel and be a part of the culture, as opposed to apart from it. Just throwing that out there. I can’t read people’s minds. But a lot of the body modding I encounter strikes me as being anti-human, as opposed to pro-human. And not very emotionally/psychologically healthy. There. I said it. An opinion, which in some cases applies (Ed Gein) and in some cases doesn’t (Courtney Stodden).

Wait. Did I just get the two mixed up?

Here’s another horrifying example of Trans (NSFW)

Wow… so the lady with glaring BD is also a racist. Whodda thunk?

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On the contrary, it’s MarjaE who is doing that, whereas I am arguing for a broader definition. Or did you not actually read the conversation?

The other thread that degenerated into a pissing contest about who could get most legitimately and thoroughly righteously offended about trans issues just closed, what, 6 hours ago? Do we really need to start this contest again right now? Does it serve anything at all?

you walk into the box and she’s standing there, head perfectly tilted, chewing on a shivering, screaming, half-eaten rabbit…

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I see no righteous offense here, do you? By the way: I have no idea what other thread you’re discussing, so maybe just relax? If you can’t stand the conversation, then get out of the town square and all?

Are you committed to subverting categories, or would you prefer to be accepted as a member of another category?

Super. Fucking. Creepy.

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On the contrary, it seems to me that you’re speaking over trans people, and erasing our experiences, and when one trans person speaks of her own experiences, you’re ready to accuse her of speaking over all other trans people. When I offered some comments on my own experiences, you took them apart, and removed what for me were the most important parts, to emphasize an aside about what for me were less important parts, and you decided that either I’m pushing true-trans politics (which I’m not) or I’m actually agreeing with you (which I’m not) because there is no other alternative (except for all the other alternatives, like thinking people who aren’t trans don’t get to decide what it is about for those of us who are trans).

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I thought the same thing , in time she will suffer from the augmentation.

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MarjaE, in your original reply, you make no mention that this is solely your perspective. So it seems to me that you want to have it both ways: to be able to define for all what is and is not trans, and when you’re called on it you cry that you are being run roughshod over. I’m not buying your argument here.

If, however, you are now admitting that the things that you cite as “most important” are not necessarily what is most important to all trans people, then you and I are in some sort of agreement.

I find you to be incredibly disingenuous in your line of argument.

[quote=“Dr_Awkward, post:58, topic:28114, full:true”]
MarjaE, in your original reply, you make no mention that this is solely your perspective.[/quote]

seems pretty clear to me.

seems pretty clear to me that I’m talking about my experiences.

I said I can’t speak for all trans people, but it doesn’t follow that you can speak for any trans people.

Now what ‘forms’ of transsexualism do you think there are? And what ‘forms’ do you think this resembles? And let’s remember that there’s this whole history of trying to define different ‘types’ of transsexual people, with ‘primary’ and ‘secondary,’ ‘hsts’ and ‘agp,’ etc. and that these ‘types’ often mis-describe many trans people including me.

I think your argument relies on misrepresenting what I’ve said and what I’m saying.

@#$% this site is hard to use. gonna have to edit.


Mod note: Please make sure to stay on topic and not make personal assumptions.

So weird. She doesn’t even strike me as being racist as much as hating people having a freaking nose… or having some phobia of getting general human facial characteristics through heredity…

ETA: I’m sure the interviewer was thinking “I’m not nearly drunk enough” throughout the entire exchange.

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Just sayin’, this notion of defending this racist’s body modification–something that seems to stem (pretty obviously) from her desire to match a Nordic ideal–as being similar to trans issues. So yeah, I think the body modification is every bit as contemptible as her attitude about race, considering that it stems from racist ideals (imho.)

Concern trolling and derailing at its best.

And sorry about saying Boing Boing instead of just one person; I misread a couple of the other comments (it happens sometimes, probably more often than not with me.)

Well, conducting the interview in Odessa would certainly ease the way to being drunk enough. Just stay away from the Kvint.