Interview with Trump supporters: his presidency would be "classy"

You do realize our Tax Code is complex because of private corporations lobbying to make it so? Look up Turbotax’s meddling, they’ve spent millions on fucking over consumers.

Here’s an example- The Tax Complexity Lobby


I remember an argument about multi-level marketing on another BBS. In addition to bragging about how much he was ostensibly making, the guy actually used “Donald Trump even spoke to us!” like it was a good thing, much less that it was supposed to impress us. (I don’t doubt that Trump spoke to the group.) This was peppered with a bunch of admonitions to “man up” etc.

(If you really have nothing better to do, it’s still out there for reading. My reply is # 91.)

I think more likely that they’d simply stay away and not vote, which leaves the true believers (along the spectrum). Which, it seems to me, is the real point of political campaigns, to overload (most of) the eligible voters’ senses way, way beyond the point of giving a shit anymore.

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The MLM guy must have viewed Trump as appealing to his target sucker demo, and no doubt paid him (probably six figures) to speak to the group.

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I think he was one of those being spoken to. The sad (or hilarious) part is that the guy probably had to pay a fee to get in on that seminar or whatever they called it.

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Well, it’s to overload the sense of the other guys, not your own followers. So many Americans are decided Republicans and Democrats that elections are more of a contest of voter turnout than they are swaying anyone from one side to the other. If Trump were running there would be plenty of Republicans who were not that motivated to vote and a very large number of Democrats who would feel very urgently that they had to vote.

So the ‘classy’ lady is walking back her enthusiasm, saying they were nudged in the direction of championing Trump, and deceived regarding the intent of the interview. Although she still did call him classy. And anyway she actually supports Ben Carson… so there’s that.

gah, not sure who is more craycary The Donald or Dr Prison Makes Men Gay, and either way does not reflect kindly upon said ‘classy’ lady.

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But DeBurro, a data analyst, told TPM Thursday in a phone interview that she is actually a supporter of Carson’s and not Trump’s. She added that while all the participants in the focus group had listed Trump among their top three favored Republican presidential candidates, just one person was “100 percent a Trump supporter.”

Give Donald a few more months, I’m sure with enough campaigning he can bring the number of Trump supporters who actually support Trump up to at least 20%.

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Truly beautiful creatures. And yet so endangered. #StopSafariHunting

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hope! the idiot has a run in with the reaper.

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It’s not just the hunting, these magical creatures have a limited range – an estimated 75 percent of Canadians live within 161 kilometers (100 miles) of the U.S. border. This geographic constraint makes them very vulnerable to climate change – which is why Trump must not be elected.


I was visiting a posh college campus one day, after having watched a documentary about its history the previous night, and after having walked through a relatively run-down neighborhood earlier that day.

And I thought, this is the difference between having a little bit more than you need to get by, year after year, versus having just a little bit less. The difference between 101% and 99%. It accumulates. You can do the math on it, but what does it feel like? What’s the psychology of it? If you know you have just a little less than you need, you don’t make plans for future improvements, you look around and try to figure out what you can sacrifice. Can we reseed the lawn? Can’t afford it. Plant flowers? Are you crazy, we can’t even afford to maintain the lawn. Year after year after year, keep sacrificing a little more to keep going. There’s always just a little less than you need.

And this is deliberate. Everyone’s tired, everyone’s weak, everyone’s afraid. Except Donald Trump.


But they so much room to move north as it gets warmer though.

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Until they meet the hungry polar bears - luckily Canadians have access to a toxic substance called Labatts that if consumed in sufficient quantities just might deter the ursan menace.

Edit: jinx on @LDoBe


There’s only so much north you can flee to

Edit: jinx on @crenquis


That’s always struck me as a huge advantage for a certain political party. “The government is awful, they can’t do anything right!” “How do you know?” “Well, you elected me to government and I’ve been trying really hard to be as shitty at governing as possible.”


It’s great for the insincere. You can explain away both the decisions of your corporate masters through your hands, AND any independent decision you must make. Welp, sorry folks, gubbmint sucks!

~makes a face like a baby who shat themselves while jazz-handsing~

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