Sassy Pussy Trump

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In his delivery the furniture line sounds like some sort of euphemism.
I’ll show you where’s some nice furniture! (If you know what I mean.)”

Maybe this one should have been cockney thug Trump? Or Posh Trump? Dunno, it’s disturbing whatever the accent. Very discordant.

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Off topic, but do you guys think that you could get Youtube videos to resize so we can see the whole thing, instead of scrolling sideways, on the blog? They’re OK on the actual post page, but too big on the main blog page.

Vomiting would be a compliment to those two fucking assholes.

“Sassy Pussy Trump” somehow sounds like an obscure masochistic subgenre of diaper fetishism.


What do you figure he meant by “like a bitch,” maybe referring to the old expression “like a bitch in heat?”

I figure he’s not all that familiar with the nuances of the “street” language he’s lamely trying to show off with.

“I moved on her like a bitch,” to anyone passingly familiar with American slang, connotes “I moved on her in the same way that a bitch would.” Like “I asked her for directions like a bitch” makes it pretty clear who the bitch is in that sentence.

If he’d said “I slapped her around like a bitch,” that would mean he slapped her the same way he’d slap a bitch. I’m sure that’s the construction he was going for, but it doesn’t really map directly. The verb has to be something more domineering than “moved on.”

Plus, you can’t have done anything to someone “like a bitch” without having succeeded. “I put her in her place like a bitch, but she kicked me in the nuts, ran away, and called the police” would be an absurd way of using the phrase.

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As in to ask for directions or make a move on someone in a rude fashion? I’d find it curious if he had enough insight to acknowledge he was being rude. It seems more likely he’s boasting about his lack of impulse control in such situations, such that acting like a neanderthal was something to be proud of. Of course neither interpretation is particularly flattering.




aww it got eaten. while it was an amusing little alt-right alex jones fueled rant it is probably for the best.


It was oddly amusing to see every last Bush the Greater era conspiracy theory piled into one stream of consciousness comment.


Bring back the Sassy Pussy Trump Rant!

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