Judge who accepted private-prison bribes to send black kids to jail sentenced to 28 years

His ideology smelled more like Ron Paul/Alex Jones than anything else with his goldbug talk and delusions/fears of government… having said that, ultimately his ideology was completely incoherent politically because he was completely bonkers. Unfortunately there wasn’t a stronger social safety net in AZ to flag him and get him the help he clearly needed, and then there’s the easy access to weapons…

Throwing out the convictions is a good start, but shouldn’t the victims be compensated monetarily for having been unfairly punished? Like, say, by dividing up the bribe money the judge received?

You’re looking at a black kid and a white judge, and using the word “fair?”

If only there were also a way to take away their children without, you know… negatively affecting said children.

Hopefully they’ll put this guy in genpop, where the other prisoners can extract some real justice.

What about the white people amiright?!

I completely agree with your post, except that there’s not a whole lot of scope for disobeying a judge.

I’m not sure what recourse exists when a judge is obviously corrupt, but I’m pretty sure it’s generally insufficient…

Given the basic science of human fallibility and my anarchistic leanings, I find the whole concept of society putting your fate in one over-privileged guy’s hands pretty distasteful anyway.

What you say is crystal-clear only to those who accept the likelihood that free will is a mirage; once you’ve tried on that perspective it’s pretty obvious that a large amount of misbehaviour is a direct consequence of poorly-designed systems.

So when do we get to apply RICO laws to the entire prison industrial complex that funded this?


If he can be convicted of racketeering, why can’t Lloyd Blankfein?

Never mind. I know the answer to that. Laws are for little people.


a) This bastard should rot in hell for what he did
b) the sentence is not harsh enough

I will object to the headline, black kids were not singled out here, all races were equally mistreated. To run a headline that insinuates his heinous crime was targeting a particular race is simply irresponsible. If he had done so this would have been prosecuted as a hate crime (which would have gotten him the sentence he deserves)

Again, not condoning anything here, just object to the race baiting.

/let the hate comments start


Please put this no-good fucker in with the black population!

No, death is too kind. He deserves to be incarcerated with a predominately black prison population. Also, this highlights how corrupt our government is. You don’t allow prisons to be privately owned. Once things become for-profit, people will run over whoever they have to to make that dollar!

Now he’s found the ultimate way to support the private prison industry!


The girl he sent to prison for the MySpace comment wasn’t African American.

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Time and again, too often it seems, we are confronted by evidence of why some processes and institutions (Health, Education, Justice) should NEVER be touched by for-profit motives.


Exactly, he didn’t “target” blacks. Blacks just happen to be the ones that show up in court more than any other race:


I don’t understand why the state didn’t seize those private prison companies under civil forfeiture laws. The entire company is an asset used and paid for by the commission of a crime, in this case, slavery and bribery.


See? That just proves that Scalia was right - racism no longer exists.

Mark A. Ciavarella, formally known only as a figurative fellatio SOB, will soon be known literally as such. Enjoy your time Ciavarella.