Krakatoa eruption of 1883 could be heard 3000 miles away


Sort of puts “the shot heard 'round the world” in its metaphorical place.


Krakatoa is actually west of Java

You are referring to the ill-named movie, “Krakatoa, East of Java”, I presume.

Or it was that big an explosion, it shifted the entire island.


The only people to escape fled on a wooden platform supported by twenty balloons.


I’m going to go with that from now on.


Yes. By way of the B-52’s song :smile:

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Desmond did it.

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It’s still east of Java, its just a longer way round :smile:


Just want to pedantically note that the sound registered 172 decibels at a distance of 100 miles. Seems safe to assume it may have been significantly louder close up.

So what’s the carrying capacity of air for sound? Like, can air soak up and transfer eleventy-million decibels when the sun explodes? Or is it capped by sound traversing through gas and can only register 350 before the receiver melts?
Well, when Yellowstone goes off we’ll have more current instrument-driven data to compare.

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It’s about 194 decibels.

At that loudness, the troughs in the sound waves are hard vacuum.


I noticed that the video in the referenced article should have been portrait mode. :smile:

Holy smokin’ Toledo’s. Did the accent of the man shooting that video change from true blue 'strayan (read: Australian) to 'Merica, fuck yeah in an instant?

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That book blew me away as a kid.

I reread it a few yeas ago. Alas, the suck fairy had hit it in the interim.

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My cousins and I actually saw that in the theatre during its run! It was very kid friendly, considering, and wickedly hyped.

When Mount Saint Helens went off, I heard it from near Vancouver British Columbia, about 300 miles away. It sounded like somebody was doing blasting over a nearby hill.

That was a much smaller volcano, of course.

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One site says “An instantaneous pressure wave of 310db and a sustained 170-190db sound wave.” Someone pointed out that 192dB is the limit for sustained sound, as pressures can’t go below zero. (dB should be capitalized, as it is someone’s name)

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It came up in the threads sometime in the past year, and I re-read it via interlibrary loan. Some parts were longer than I would have liked, and the framing device was a bit wonky – but 'twas all a blast!