LA considers EDM festival ban

Then you aren’t in politics nor in media and your voice therefore does not really matter as it doesn’t have much chance to be heard…

“This is my ideology. There are many like it, but this one is mine…”

It’s easy. It’s worth boosting because it is your one. The other ones are less worthy because they are The Other Ones. Why would you favor competing memes for whom you are not a host? What would the meme riding you gain from surrounding its potential to the competitors?

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Also, there should be a ban on cars to help stop drunk driving deaths.

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Those might not be valid assumptions. Why would how many hear my voice have any bearing upon the validity of my position? My “politics” are anti-ideology, that a scientific society means avoiding having personal problems. You can’t get there by playing populist status games.

There isn’t anything to this, objectively. Identity does not hold up under close scrutiny. And if I had an ideology which was less robust than others, it would still be to my detriment if it prevailed, because then I rely upon a weak society.

The idea of “competing” can be itself considered a meme. It is the implication of a game. There is no way for anybody to verify whether or not they may actually share the same goals, or play the same game. If we have different goals, and play different games with different rules, then we are not competing with each other. The fallacy is assuming that other people and groups are like you and yours. It might also be ideology to assume that there is any possible loss/gain, as any such transactions would be implicit to the rules of yet another game.

It’s really quite simple. If you’re a tabloid newspaper and someone dies at a rave (whatever the cause), you scream DRUUUGZ!
That’s their ideology.
I believe it was a barbed point made about the lack of nuance in general reporting, whether at raves or in Vietnam.
Unless you’re a media persona who has some truck with the public’s perception of events, it’s likely not directed personally.


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