My grandmother, the poisoner

Well, there’s the “Giggling Granny”, Nannie Doss. (“Nannie confessed to killing four of her husbands, her mother, her sister Dovie, her grandson Robert, and her mother-in-law Lanning.”)

How would that even work for someone to do that deliberately? Would she have either just happened to have that on hand, or did she rush out when the recall notice was announced to grab it off the supermarket shelves before they got to it?

Another extraordinarily weird claim, given that literally every other deliberate poisoning that you read or hear of isn’t done by, you know, just pouring the stuff on top of the food and leaving it there undissolved. The only real question here is how much of this guy’s story is paranoia and how much of it is just flat-out made up. (It’s telling that even he says, “I can’t even be sure that she really did the things I think she did.” Although he continues from that point to go on about them at length.)

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The hospital admissions for stopping breathing / apnea could potentially be verified, and the crash on the highway alluded to is probably public record.

Yeah, it’s clearly a work of fiction.

When I announced my engagement to a Gentile, Grandma dropped to her knees and begged me not to get married in a church. The wedding took place on a tennis court, and Grandma was the belle of the ball, flirting with my wife’s uncles, who were 20 years younger than she was. Grandma was always a good time, but when she wasn’t the host, wasn’t responsible for the food, it was like a weight was lifted from her, like she could really be free.

Or this:

Once, I saw Grandma punish Norman by standing him in front of the open stove, turning up the broiler flames, and threatening to burn off his dick. He was maybe 12 at the time. She’d also cook him huge plates of food and offer them to him. He’d say no because he didn’t want to get any fatter, but she’d keep pushing the food under his chin until he finally ate—and then berate him for being so fat.

Or this:

Then there was my wife’s miscarriage. Funny thing about that. Or not “funny,” I guess, but I forgot about it until I decided to write this story and I was going over some old notes. When we announced my wife’s pregnancy, Grandma freaked out about how there’d be another mouth to feed and we couldn’t afford it. We visited her just before my wife miscarried, and even though my wife knew to stay away from her food, everyone slips up a little from time to time. And, well… it was late in the pregnancy for a miscarriage. And the dates line up. But it could be a coincidence.

If my wife had miscarried late in her pregnancy, I wouldn’t be all that casual about it. Note the curious lack of detail.


Have you ever actually filed a police report? Seriously, the cops just do not give a shit without some kind of incentive.

Not all people are all-emotional.

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