No Action Figures Please

I don’t think the video shows their new office (if that’s what you were referring to). It’s stock video, says so right on it…

The referenced Awl article has photos of the actual office space. No self-respecting action hero would work there.

Yet not a word about their flair count?

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My office isn’t actually entirely different to yours, but I work from home, so it’s not quite as impressive. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sugar counts nowadays. Sorry.

I’m thinking your scenario has been playing out for at least a decade. It’s clearly already deep into the managered-out empty husk final phase.

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As long as the (lack of) light does not effect worker’s safety, it’s fine.

Still, no explicit ban on wanking in the office.


I can appreciate the need for 5S in certain environments - places where one person’s efficiency directly impacts others, or where disorganization endangers someone. But in jobs where creativity is needed (and where isn’t it?) 5S only stifles people. I wish more managers understood that.


I, for one, welcome our new, sterile, overlords. As a conscientious employee I would welcome the opportunity to point out to them others who have more than the allowed number of family photos in their cube, also any who are subtly hiding action figures on their persons.

If I worked there I would frame that memo and display it proudly in my workspace.


Yes, a ban on action figures in a “tech” space is a clear indication that the shark has been jumped!


I did hear that the UK version of The Office was funnier.

I worked in the NYC Wired office for a while, which was mostly salespeople. Once some woman posted a Youtube video where she analyzed the ratio of content to advertising, and pointed out how the magazine was overwhelmingly ads, and an email went around the office about it, to the tune of “next issue there’ll be even more! Can’t wait until she sees it!” It may be that this sort of thing skewed my impression, but at least while I was there it already seemed more like the Sharper Image - lots of ads for luxury watches and such, reviews of gadgets, and maybe one longer article. Nothing stood out as world-changing journalism, but this was years ago. Once, in a big meeting, someone asked Chris Anderson if the trend of celebrities on the cover was going to continue, because the accounts he serviced were balking at that sort of thing, and C.A. replied that there had only been a couple of covers like that in the past year. Then you walked into the lobby and saw that it was actually the case for the last 8 issues. So, celebs and gadgets were the hot tickets then.

I did, however, once get to ride an elevator with Anna Wintour. I imagine what I felt when the door opened and I saw she was inside is quite similar to what you’d feel if you happened upon a Dementor unexpectedly.

As far as messiness goes, the office was average. The bathroom was a nightmare, though. Never share a bathroom with sales if you can help it. Pressure leads to heavy drinking, and heavy drinking + stress leads to bowel demons, exorcised daily.

(edited for spelling)


Uh… but, sir… they’re not action figures, they’re, uh, DOLLS

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Hey, man, Imma gonna nuke fish any damn day I want if other people are indiscriminately nuking friggin’ oatmeal. I consider it a fair exchange for putting a lingering smell in the air that triggers my gag reflex.

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As enjoyable as this was I would love to have another version read by Michael Shannon.

WIRED is no longer a pirate ship.

I find this hard to believe. It doesn’t sound like the rats are leaving.

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Geez. What a tightass.

I’m sure he’s very happy with his shiny new building, but OMG… All those people clutter things up!

Wired is no longer what it was. It’s a “brand”. It’s forgettable. It’s no wonder I rarely read it anymore.

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The rat took over the bridge.

Sir? Do you see them moving? They are doing nothing. They are inaction figures!


Geeze Wired, what happened to the uber-cool techno nerd vibe? You’ve gone all corporate. I guess this means we can expect even more pages of crap that only the 1% can afford when they do product reviews.

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This is one of the reasons I love my current university job. I think I’d have to bring in a live honey badger before anyone would complain about my office decor.