Northampton Clown sparks nationwide plague of copycat horror-clowns


Pretty obvious case here for don’t publicize hooligans or you’ll make copycats.
Of course, I actually never seen someone work as a clown, if you don’t count congress.

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Clowns are furious?

God help us!


The solution is easy. Just shove them out the nearest airlock.

No one will get that reference.


This is no laughing matter!


Great. Now we have to fear both a zombie and a clown apocalypse.

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Brandishing weapons and chasing people aren’t cool. The dressing up part sounds like good clean fun to me. A clown in unexpected places is kind of neato. A little weird, a little cool, a little spooky, just to break up the monotony and add a little WTF? to people’s day.

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I’m pretty sure here in America where I live, it would be a challenge to get anyone to pay attention well enough to be scared or amused. You could stand around in public dressed as the most frightening outlandish clown you could muster and everyone would be too busy staring into their smart phone screens to notice at all.


I wonder if there have always been people in clown suits brandishing knives and peeping in windows (or at least a steady rate of menacing clowns, say 1:1000 clowns?). The Northampton clown guy only brought attention to clowns and so now your run of the mill clown menacing is being portrayed as a trend.

It doesn’t seem likely to grow much. It is not like the police would have a hard time finding a clown post-incident. Clowns can’t blend into a crowd very well. Unless they are well connected in the Buffoonish Underground, and then we have a whole different level of manically smiling shit to deal with. Have you seen how many they can fit into a single vehicle?

Watch out for things that go honk, or possibly squeak in the night.


If you start knocking on people’s windows at night like these guys are, in the U.S. you’re far more likely to take a bullet to the head though…


I’m pretty sure here in America where I live, it would be a challenge to get anyone to pay attention well enough to be scared or amused. You could stand around in public dressed as the most frightening outlandish clown you could muster and everyone would be too busy staring into their smart phone screens to notice at all.

That sounds like it could be the germ of a plot of a horror movie. Deranged killer wants to make people pay attention to the real world.

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I shudder to think what rodeo clowns would have to do to make this game work…

That’s basically the first 5 minutes of Shaun of the Dead.

Also there is the film ‘Clownhouse’ which is very good (although has nothing to do with paying attention to the real world). You’ll like it more if you don’t know what the director went to jail for, however.

british branch of the Juggalos?

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