Out-of-control Texas cop pulls gun on children

Great - So he escapes any and all disciplinary procedures, waits til the heat has died down and then applies for his old job and moves on. The system works!

Edit: Not only that, the bastard keeps his pension and benfits. He should be locked the fuck up.


The barrel is safe!


I’m beginning to think the wood is rotten.

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Doesn’t sound like that’s going to happen:

“Police Chief Conley called his actions “indefensible” and said, “He came into the call
out of control, and as the video shows, was out of control during the


He’s resigned. There’s nothing they can do unless they are willing to begin criminal proceedings against him, which would be shooting themselves in the foot as it brings into question the whole unit’s training and organisation.

Yeah, like Darren Wilson and Timothy Loehmann, let’s see if this guy ends up as a police officer somewhere new after this.

“Black Teens Swimming, Call SWAT” by @MattBors


(no links because I don’t want them to be deleted or participate in doxxing)

So it turns out the woman who started all this by making comments that “This is why you live in Section 8 housing” and assaulting a child is a manager of the home loan office for bank of america - a bank that’s had some problems with racism already: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/business-july-dec11-bankofamerica_12-21/

So basically we have a woman who has no doubt kept people from getting home loans because of their skin color, and is now mocking children over it.

Fucking disgusting.


They may…but in any case he won’t likely get his old job back, as was suggested. And any dept hiring him will have that video to help them decide. He’s a PR/legal nightmare.

Like Cleveland. They don’t have a history of hiring cops they shouldn’t without doing background checks.

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