Philip Seymour Hoffman, R.I.P

With Hoffman gone, there goes any real chance of a decent Rob Ford bio-pic.


Actually, Falcor apparently hacked its account to have admin powers at some point, but makes such consistently good decisions about what to devour that we just thought “Fuck it! Let it feed.”


Wife and I just watched him in “The Talented Mr. Ripley” last weekend, and I’d been wanting to watch “Synecdoche, New York” again, as well.

I would agree with @poniewozik that this feels like a robbery – I was looking forward to more films. It would be interesting to see how he aged, what type of films attracted him, what he worked on in his 60s and 70s. Would his star decline? Would he end up do endless SyFy movies? Would he have the power to do whatever he wanted? Would he do the gruff old codger in a quirky animated kids movie, just so his own grandkids could like one of his films?

Will never know. Dammit.

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Sad to see him go. Every movie that I’ve seen him in was improved by his being in it. Truly one of his generation’s great actors.

It is sad, but to be honest the best part of his career was kaputé anyway.

Will never know. Dammit.

I think that’s the part that gets to me the most, too. I really enjoyed his work and looked forward to seeing what he would do in the future. Now that future is gone.

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