Sir Roger Moore, 1927-2017

Originally published at:


RIP old chap.



Wow, that’s weird…I was thinking just last night how he was still alive and must be pretty old now. If I had checked Wikipedia I might have found I was mistaken by just a few minutes



I was really surpised to find that those were real alligators; stunt legs, but real alligators. They looked so fake and cheesy I assumed they were a prop when watching the film in the cinema.

@TheGreatParis I applaud your choice.


RIP Mr. Moore



He was a saint.


Apparently he was half responsible for the largest bar tab in TV Production history.


isn’t that Live and Let Die? people give it a hard time, but i’ve always loved that movie.


Whats also strange is that Sean Connery is still alive and is actually younger than Moore even though he played Bond first.


Guess he has that halo now.


“No, but if I was told I had 24 hours to live I would have a dry martini, made with Tanqueray gin and three olives on the side.”

I hope he had an opportunity to indulge one last time


That fact is one of those facts that i’ve probably learned a dozen times during my life but am always surprised by when I re-learn it, like right now.

There’s probably a German word for the phenomenon.


Cancer - So maybe one of his nemeses got him with a very slow-acting agent…


I love the statement from his children. In a few short words it conveys a sense of genuine warmth and sums things up perfectly.

Also, let’s not forget his contribution to “The Cannonball Run.”


Well now, quite the choice he is faced with. I mean, one can hardly take the good fight to the ungodly unless one goes after them, can one?. And there must be limited boodle laying about in the good place anyway . . .
No, too boring for words, no doubt it is just another misdirection, and he has gone of on An Adventure with Pat, Hoppy and Norman Kent, and is cheerfully explaining the error of their ways to various chaps of the Alphonse and Guido persuasion.


Dean Martin as a priest? Whoa, dude. Heavy!


Apparently this is doing the rounds. Author unknown. Makes you well up:

"As a seven year old in about 1983, in the days before First Class Lounges at airports, I was with my grandad in Nice Airport and saw Roger Moore sitting at the departure gate, reading a paper. I told my granddad I’d just seen James Bond and asked if we could go over so I could get his autograph. My grandad had no idea who James Bond or Roger Moore were, so we walked over and he popped me in front of Roger Moore, with the words “my grandson says you’re famous. Can you sign this?”

"As charming as you’d expect, Roger asks my name and duly signs the back of my plane ticket, a fulsome note full of best wishes. I’m ecstatic, but as we head back to our seats, I glance down at the signature. It’s hard to decipher it but it definitely doesn’t say ‘James Bond’. My grandad looks at it, half figures out it says ‘Roger Moore’ - I have absolutely no idea who that is, and my hearts sinks. I tell my grandad he’s signed it wrong, that he’s put someone else’s name - so my grandad heads back to Roger Moore, holding the ticket which he’s only just signed.

"I remember staying by our seats and my grandad saying “he says you’ve signed the wrong name. He says your name is James Bond.” Roger Moore’s face crinkled up with realisation and he beckoned me over. When I was by his knee, he leant over, looked from side to side, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said to me, “I have to sign my name as ‘Roger Moore’ because otherwise…Blofeld might find out I was here.” He asked me not to tell anyone that I’d just seen James Bond, and he thanked me for keeping his secret. I went back to our seats, my nerves absolutely jangling with delight. My grandad asked me if he’d signed ‘James Bond.’ No, I said. I’d got it wrong. I was working with James Bond now.

"Many, many years later, I was working as a scriptwriter on a recording that involved UNICEF, and Roger Moore was doing a piece to camera as an ambassador. He was completely lovely and while the cameramen were setting up, I told him in passing the story of when I met him in Nice Airport. He was happy to hear it, and he had a chuckle and said “Well, I don’t remember but I’m glad you got to meet James Bond.” So that was lovely.

"And then he did something so brilliant. After the filming, he walked past me in the corridor, heading out to his car - but as he got level, he paused, looked both ways, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said, “Of course I remember our meeting in Nice. But I didn’t say anything in there, because those cameramen - any one of them could be working for Blofeld.”

“I was as delighted at 30 as I had been at 7. What a man. What a tremendous man.”