Poll: 54% of Republicans believe, “deep down,” Obama is a Muslim

I want a 600gigawatt laser, a few nukes that shoot out of a cannon that I can hold in my hand, and a house full of AKs. Does that count?


Technically speaking, I think you just get the house full of Kalashnikovs…

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This news is hardly surprising, considering 94% of Republicans are complete morons.


Right next to mohamidite.

Are you implying it’s my business?

You’re saying he’s not devout per your standard, therefore he is an agnostic liar per mine?

Good luck with that.

Your binary universe does not apply to this real one. Please listen more and talk less. I’m just saying it is my opinion that you do not believe in a respectful exchange of ideas. i think you’re agnostic on that topic, despite what you profess, devoutly, about yourself and others.

Go blow a smokescreen up someone elses arse.


I rather suspect him to be agnostic. Any person who would candidate for president in the US would present himself as christian, but there are hardly any intellectual people in our societies nowadays who would not doubt religious doctrine. And actually, like many said already: should we care at all? No, of course but religious belief has sadly started to become an identifier, by which many people craft their opinion about a person. I’m not free from that either, allthough I try my best to free myself from any prejudice.

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This is quite exactly what I believe. The whole Tea Party movement, for example, is shockingly anti-democratic. Never before have people rebelled so violently against a moderate president, denied his citizenship, labelled him a communist and a muslim and whatnot. At least not in my lifetime. The evident reason is what you said. It’s very saddening and, by the way, I suspect that Obama’s weak politics and paranoic focus on surveillance resulted from terrible intimidation and fear of raising more hate to the point where he could be assassinated or even lynched by a KKK-like mob.


Were any other presidents of questionable faith?

You might want to wonder why you never asked before.


Who even gives a shit? Every politician wishing to get elected in the US is a Christian, and every one of their political opponents (post 9/11) wishes them to be Muslim.

Oh, also Obama’s black. A lot of Republicans are really not into that but don’t want to say so. I guess nowadays it’s less uncool to dislike Muslims or something.

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Who are you talking about? Whose faith, other than Obama’s, has been up for speculation?


I’m not talking about anyone specific, and that’s not really relevant to my point. In order for a politician to get elected in America they sure as hell better be religious (or at least outwardly profess some kind of faith), and they sure as hell better be religious in the right way. Republicans accusing Obama of being a secret Muslim or an elitist or lizard person or whatever else is just politics as usual (though with a healthy dose of the racism endemic to the GOP).

Seriously? No. This is blatant ignorance on your part. Most of America believes in a God, and he has said pretty fucking clearly that he does. His actions also speak to the fact that he does. As an actual atheist, I find this sort of thing offensive and not helpful. It is not up to you to decide. He has stated and showed that he is a Christian. He is a Christian.

And I agree with @AcerPlatanoides.


It’s not business as fucking usual. Please tell me what other president was claimed to be a Muslim or a lizard person in any sort of regularly, like Obama. I want citations.

This did NOT happen to Bill Clinton. This certainly doesn’t happen to Hillary Clinton, either. Even Romney, a fucking Mormon, didn’t and doesn’t get shit on about his faith like Obama does.

And Obama IS Christian in the “right way”. The reason people feel he is not has nothing to do with with his actual faith, or what he says about his faith, or how he practices his faith (which is really run of the mill American Christian; there is nothing unusual about it) – they say these things because he is black.

Yes, it used to be that Catholics weren’t very well trusted, but then JFK was elected, so that’s really not the case anymore. Even a MORMON can almost be elected, for Pete’s sake.

This has nothing to do with Obama’s faith or his presentation of his faith and everything to do with his skin color.


Come on now, it directly supports their complementary claim that Jeremiah Wright is only posing as a Christian but is secretly turning people Muslim. This is why Obama is a Muslim “deep down”, he was indoctrinated by Wright - Obama himself may not even know! (I think I missed my calling as a conspiracy theorist)

Hums along to Christmas carols in the mall all December.

Don’t tell them about the Rastas.

More generally, I think that thinking smart people aren’t Christian is the same kind of bias as the Republicans are showing with the “Muslim” thing. If you think believing is gods is not smart, then you might be tempted to think that people you admire don’t do it. I’m as atheist as possible, thanks to Netflix I’ve recently readied myself to tell my three-year-old about the God character in VeggieTales if she asks.

Believing in gods doesn’t make even faint sense to me, but I know that other people seem to manage to do it, especially older people. Belief in a religion is extremely broad and hard to define, and there is no way to contradict someone else’s claim of belief by their actions, you have to just flat out disbelieve their claim and think you know better. If someone wants to say, “I don’t believe any politician about their religious beliefs because I know they say what they say to get elected,” that makes sense to me. But if you don’t trust Obama when he says he is Christian anymore than you trust aggressive Christian preachers who insist they aren’t gay, the most likely guess, given where and when he grew up, is that he is Christian.


“I don’t believe any politician about their religious beliefs because I know they say what they say to get elected”


Obstructive cynicism FTW!


It just astonishes me that people seem to think that someone who grew up in the USA doesn’t believe in god. I mean come on. That’s the easiest thing to come to terms with: That an American believes in god. Most Americans do, even the ones who don’t directly identify with a specific religion.


Why? Why is him saying that not enough? What are you going on that contradicts that? And why do you get to decide who is Christian and how isn’t? Is there only one way to practice a faith?


Which is pretty much why atheist are the most hated/feared demographic.

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Except for the Jews, Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus, and even a couple of atheist out there.

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I remember being told I was brave for saying I was an atheist an a dinner party. America is weird.

Big difference from “We don’t do God” in the UK.

As far as getting elected goes? I linked to the one person in congress who says she has no religion, but won’t call herself atheist or even agnostic.

See also Jindal, who converted to Catholicism.