Poll: 54% of Republicans believe, “deep down,” Obama is a Muslim

One day, I’m going to move there and buy one of those old churches that the Angelican church keeps selling off… I always wanted to live in an old church.

Look guys, we have more important things to argue about, #BLUEBLACK #WHITEGOLD.


You can definitely count me in - not believing them about their religion is just a specific case. It’s all well and good to think of the most likely scenario that led someone to say something rather than take their words at face value, but as @marilove says, about the easiest thing in the world to believe is that an American believes in some god or other. In a way, I guess the 54% of republicans are doing exactly that - think he’s lying about being Christian, but still think be believed in God! (By this logic, we should also think that Al Franken is secretly Christian)


As an atheist myself…

What a load of rubbish.

If we were that hated and feared, we’d be getting gunned down by cops, and arrested and tossed in jail at the same rate or more than African Americans or other non-white minorities. But that’s not happening. At all.


Not for me. I can’t comprehend it.


This isn’t about YOUR beliefs and what YOU comprehend.

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I’m stating it. I knew him before all of this.


Haha, no need to get all worked up. Sheesh. You american. Allways so idealistic ^^

Okay, so I did my bit of research and, obviously, he used to be agnostic but eventually got himself baptised so I guess he’s a christian now, allthough I don’t believe anybody who has ever really been an atheist or an agnostic (which excludes those who are atheists by fashion or because they were influenced) can ever become a believer, because to me, that would mean to renounce reasoning. But I’m still open to new knowledge.

Yes, there were, afaik and just so you know, I never asked before and I don’t ask now because I don’t care.

We’ve even had an agnostic (and possibly atheist) prime minister.

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You’re bordering on personal attack, again. There’s no need for it.

Mod note: Keep cool.


I’m not talking about Obama. In fact, my point has next-to-nothing to do with Obama. It’s about having to be/act religious (specifically Christian) to get elected. Obama’s already been elected. Obama is Christian.

Pretty sure I already covered that point.

The GOP has a bunch of racists making up a decently-sized chunk of their voters. They’ll attack Obama for being Muslim because they can’t attack him for being black. They’d attack him for something anyway, as long as he remained a Democrat.

The religious demographic breakdown for the US Congress/Senate is actually predominantly Christian (i.e. over 90%). Moreover, I’m not really sure there are any openly atheist members of Congress or Senate at all. There are two Muslims in Congress but zero in the Senate. I think there’s one Hindu and three Buddhists overall. Furthermore, even this meager religious diversity is an extremely recent thing. Sorry, but I think I’ll stick with my original statement.


This has to be like the perfect poll for an internet thread ever… “How can we piss everyone one off? /Light Blub shines brightly/ We combine two things that people never want to bring up but love arguing about, genius!”


I don’t get to decide. I’m not making a statement of fact - I’m sharing my belief with you. My belief is that he’s not a devout Christian, as he claimed he was. I can expand on the source of that belief if you’re interested.

I’m interested in your opinion. Do you believe Obama is indeed a “devout Christian”? Or is he playing it up for political purposes? Or is there another nuance I’m missing?

Nice to see you here BTW. You’re good at disagreeing with me, and I generally learn something new from our encounters.

I don’t see what’s so easy or obvious about it either. To assume such a mass movement of people being inculcated to some such idea, I’d think it would need to demonstrate itself to either be extraordinarily universal, obvious, or useful. I think it is more a symptom of a culture being just generally gullible. If people of the US are so convinced they have a god, why don’t any of them seem to know what it’s fracking name is? As somebody pointed out earlier, most Merkuns are so half-assed that they don’t know much of anything about their own professed religion they get so fanatical about. So, yes, between general lack of cultural cohesion or clear understanding of religion by its enthusiasts - I am surprised that so many believe in a god.

My husband has a friend who claims that Clinton is a Rockefeller bastard child.

I’m worked up because I’m leaving comments now? Just like you are … leaving comments? But I’m worked up? Seriously? Sigh. Focus on my words, please, not on your projections about my attitude, thanks!

You seem to really know how others who aren’t you feel and think and believe.

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This just in: At least 54% of Republicans hate Muslims.


I’m sure a lot of people would be interested, since all you seem to have gone with so far is that you think he has a “science-based worldview”. Which, you know… doesn’t preclude Christian devotion (though that partially depends on precisely which Christian sects you’re talking about).

So far it doesn’t seem any more persuasive than someone staking a belief on “gaydar”.