Portsmouth Middle School warns parents about Smartie-snorting epidemic and the risk of nasal maggots

Your reply is pretty much standard boilerplate for urban legends. Thanks for playing!

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Fair enough. I don’t much care if you believe it.

It’s not propaganda, but feel free to do your own review of the literature – there are adverse reactions to it in some people, which can include psychosis. As I said, though, they’re relatively rare, almost universally temporary (i.e., hours at most), and typically requires some sort of predisposition towards psychosis (such as a family history of schizophrenia, for example).

It’s not a significant risk, but it’s something to be aware of in the unlikely case one of your friends (or you yourself) happens to be one such person. The risk is substantially lessened as someone ages (most types of psychosis, if it’s going to happen, typically show up naturally in the early 20s) and if someone isn’t a heavy marijuana user.

Why do I wanna say correlation is not causation? I am not even a scientist.

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We’ll definitely know if they do. Watch out for tampon strings hanging from students noses.

I actually know someone who regularly gives himself wine enemas. It appears to be a remarkably efficient & rapid way to get drunk, if that’s your bag.

When they say “smoke,” they don’t actually mean there’s any fire involved. What they do is crush the smarties (still in the package), then partially unroll the ends and inhale the sugar. Smarties are a pretty basic go-to handout for school teachers because they’re cheap and (relatively) allergen free. My sister works in a middle school and smarties were banned for this exact reason about 3 years back. We tried it once, out of drunken curiosity, and found that it just leads to a vaguely sugary coughing fit.

What kind of wine? Red? White? Shiraz, Cabernet? Does this friend have preferences?

I can drink about 2.3 glasses of wine and then feel somewhat drunk. If that’s what I am after (it rarely is anymore) I could probably do that in an hour or two. I can’t imagine wanting to be drunk faster than that, and even if I did, choosing to shoot the wine up my arse as the next logical step. Why not have a cocktail?

Fuck knows. Cheap plonk, I imagine. One assumes the process is messy.

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Also boilerplate for Urban Legends. You’ll keep relating that friend-of-a-friend story, no matter how gullible you come off. Because “Why Would They Lie?”

Hint: I had an otherwise reliable friend relate to me the Oranjello/Lemonjello story to me. I called them out on it. People have a way of internalizing bullshit without realizing that they’re doing it. We’re storytellers.

Keep the fun ones (fantasy is great!) dump the idiot ones (racist conspiracies, really stupid Snopesworthy forwards like this.)

Just wait until you read up about the side-effects of alcohol! They’ll blow your mind, maaaaan.

Why do people huff hairspray?

Addicts don’t really think rationally.

“OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!” coming from the boys’ bathroom just down the hall.

I see what you did there.

Moderator note: Stay on topic

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