Provocative, friendly thread on EVIL

I want to get in on this argument but I can’t figure out what the topic is about. Anyone care to bring me up to speed?

I think it’s an insidious lie that Democrats and Republican are equivalent and the only purpose that false equivalence serves is the perpetuation and further entrenchment of a corporatist right agenda overall.

I think the Hobby Lobby case is an excellent example of the type of damage that’s done when American leftists, and even center-left moderates sit on their hands, embrace false equivalence and allow Republicans to gain executive and congressional control of this country.


In an ideal world… within our current power structure we could usher in a third party, but we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a world where the United States is mostly under the control of the corporatist right.

Choosing the lesser evil means choosing a lesser evil. In our current reality we don’t have a third choice (nationally).

The current corporatist power structure is vast, entrenched, smart, devious and self-sustaining. It feeds sick megalomaniacs who are addicted to the the “God of More”. They are never satisfied and they don’t care who they hurt and kill to gain… more. Trying to thwart vastly powerful, lustful, greedy, manipulative, unethical addicts is never going to be easy.

The Internet as a medium can’t stand up to corporate-controlled mass media (yet). And, civil disobedience and actions, while necessary, can only go so far when there’s zero support from a lesser evil in place. the raw, entrenched power we’re up against? That’s reality. That’s the obstacles.

I think some of those that disagree with me are trying to kill the messenger because they don’t like the message. What the rest of us are doing instead is continuing to make change where we can instead of spinning our wheels trying to fight entrenched power head on… on their terms, where we can’t win.

Surfers who try to paddle straight into large, powerful waves to reach the lineup will be smashed against the reef. The red “X” is the lineup, the goal…

While it may seem brave and quicker to take a direct route head-on, the surfer will only get smashed. Those that use long-term strategy achieve success when faced with power much greater than themselves.

They paddle into the deeper water of the channel where the powerful waves aren’t crashing directly onto their bodies and they utilize the deeper water backflow current (lesser evil) that actually helps to slowly (but consistently) push them towards their goals instead of being outright smashed backwards entirely.

With that strategy and timing, these people are able to pass otherwise insurmountable, massive walls of hydrodynamic power that obliterates the uneducated novice who rejects proper strategy, facing the reality of the situation and overcoming it in the long-term.

Protest votes and candidates in national elections do not take away votes from the greater evil, they inevitably take votes away from the lesser evil. And when third parties inevitably lose in our current reality when faced with greater, entrenched power, they very often usher in greater evil that gets even further entrenched.

Trying to tackle the current, entrenched power structure head-on isn’t going to work.


• Far more retired elderly at home exposed to corporate TV media and radio that influences them to vote conservatively. (This affects other points below as well)

• People who commute further distances than those who live in (or near) cities are heavily exposed to and influenced by right-wing radio in their automobiles. Furthermore, the electoral system leans in the favor of these more rural dwellers who are heavily inundated with corporatist propaganda.

• Corporations are vastly more likely to fund anti-regulation, conservative agendas. The most you can hope for is something like MSNBC that leans socially left, but is (overall) conservatively pro-corporatist. The rich support conservative media (even when they run at a loss) because they understand the long-term profits of influence.

• More people still get their “news” from the corporate TV media than online alternative media sources (source). Also, many get their online “news” from corporate media that’s simply moved online. This influences these people towards a pro-corporatist agenda.

• Many moderates and left-leaning people work more than many people do on the right (for various reasons). This gives them less time than those on the right to dedicate themselves towards getting involved in national and local politics, voting, etc. in general. On the flip-side, this also exposes more on the right who work less to more corporate TV media and radio.

• The rich are far more likely to support Republicans, even though they’re not more likely to be socially conservative. That confuses people who don’t understand the difference. Most of the rich hold their noses and vote Republican (and give them money) because it supports their corporatist conservatism. In other words, they prioritize the profit they gain by not paying for externalities (pollution they create, public health care, public education, etc.) over socially liberal agendas they may agree with (gay rights, women’s rights, anti-censorship of sex/violence, etc.).

• It’s much easier to organize and get media attention when you have money and influence over people who have too much time on their hands, too little education and too little critical thinking skills. On the other hand, trying to organize moderates and people on the left is like herding cats.

• They can and do use their control of mainstream media to use fear to suck money and massive power away from average Americans to support their monstrously corrupt and extremely profitable military-industrial complex. There has never been anything with this much vast power in human history. They can spy on many average Americans communications to thwart everything from business to activism. This kind of power is vast and undeniable.

• They have the money, power to lobby (bribe) and influence candidates to basically only fear being voted out of office and little more than that. A little third party candidate doesn’t have the bribe money to stand up to this and many politicians and top advisors, etc. simply go into profitable business with the same corporatists they “legislated” after leaving office (and vice versa).

• They have vast money, power, connections and media resources to spread their chosen campaign over the airwaves. How many third party TV commercials did you or any other Americans see in the last 20 elections compared to Democrats and Republicans? Exactly.

… And this list just scratches the surface of the power they have over third parties.

So… in this currently reality, what does an underfunded, true left (or true moderate), third party dream candidate have against that? Little or nothing because most Americans aren’t going to get exposed to their ideas or will only get a distorted, filtered view of them via mainstream, corporate media.

That’s our current reality. This is what we cope with and overcome. This is why there are only long-term strategies that will actually work against this vast, entrenched power.

If we don’t face the reality of our current, entrenched power structure… we’ll be doomed to keep spinning our angry wheels with lots of squealing and smoke, but no traction. This isn’t a video game. It’s not going to be quick, it’s going to take decades.

Let’s face it, it actually takes guts to push the establishment to the left and it very often requires civil disobedience for the mainstream media just to even bother covering it. You can gather five teabaggers in a park and it’ll garner far more mainstream media coverage than 5,000 left-wing protestors of wars, income disparity, etc. Why? Because the teabaggers aren’t a threat to the status quo. They aren’t a threat to the corporations that run the mainstream media.

That’s reality. And, it’s time to cope with it, deal with it and overcome it. While it’s certainly more difficult and takes guts to push the establishment to the left, there’s plenty of us still willing to do it and we’re never going to stop.

There’s no quick-fix. It’s trying to build a representative democracy in a vast nation. Nothing “suddenly” is going to happen no matter what we do, but what we’ve been doing by embracing false equivalency is spinning our wheels.

Suggested reading: Sun Tzu - The Art of War

With lots of commentary:

Pretty much just the translated book: