Snowden should be ‘hanged’ if convicted for treason, says ex-CIA chief

He thinks his shit doesn’t stink, but clearly his farts give him away, and offend even him.


Treason against who?

In a democracy shouldn’t the government represent the people, and the people are overwhelmingly opposed to the NSA snooping into their private lives, so who is being treasonous here, Snowden or the NSA?


The NSA and CIA chiefs should have their heads on pikes on the national mall.

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I don’t mean to be a stick-in-the-mud, but just because a TV character liked to use it a lot doesn’t mean it doesn’t still have misogynistic connotations.

Same with South Park trying to claim ‘faggot’ isn’t a homophobic insult any more.


Woolsey and his CIA gang are well funded drug dealers, thugs and killers. Nothing more.


While I blush at the compliment that my internets comments carry the same weight as a highly influential public figure, I think you’ll find there’s some apples in your oranges. Otherwise the revolving door of congress/lobby would work as squeaklessly as it does…

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I can’t believe I’ve gone through this whole thing without once trying to watch Fox sort out their cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, this guy exposed proof that Barack Obama has overseen some pretty disturbing government bloat and overreach. On the other, he stands against the military-industrial complex. What’s a shill for the RNC to do??


It is quite bizarre that AmeriCorps quickly became “Obama’s private facist Army,” which he was going to use to start whatever number Reich he’s up to at this point, but the NSA stuff is more “complicated”…


Treason is a federal offense, and so federal law would apply. Full disclosure: I have never tried a treason case (in fact, I don’t even know anyone who personally has, they are, to put it mildly, rare), but my understanding is that state death penalty laws would not apply in any treason cases.

Thanks for your thoughts; My entire point was that the gentleman is no longer a public figure, except in the informal sense that he still may have some lingering celebrity as a result of a his previous post in government.

I am not the person to ask about Washington DC power dynamics, based on representations I have seen on fictional television shows, and my reading the LBJ biography series, my sense is that power is fleeting, and that once you are no longer the chief of the executive agency, the new chief would probably go out of his way to ignore you. He probably does still have contacts as you say, but really, I think for a large group of the polity, harsh views towards potential criminal penalties for Snowden are the norm, and are unrelated to any feelings the gentleman may personally hold on the matter. Both of these things are just a guess though.

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Get over it. As a long-time and avowed feminist, we learned that the term ‘bitch’ only got applied to women who were either:

A) Doing their jobs, or
B) Getting their way.

I think of it as a compliment, regardless of the speaker’s intents!

Good for you. It’s still a sexist insult.

No. Well, maybe when it leaves your lips. And I have nothing to say about how you may govern your own speech or not. But by the time it reaches my ears, you have just treated me with some high regard. (And I will not forget the ‘favor’, because that would be to treat you with disrespect and disregard lol.)

I have no citation, but I believe it was September of 2001, around the time of “you’re either with us, or against us”.

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