Trevor Noah will replace Jon Stewart as Daily Show host. Here are 10 videos of him slaying at standup

I thought he was still a green carder, to be honest.

Adds sort out citizenship to ‘to do’ list.

Equal apart from getting to be President, anyway. Because otherwise I’d totally do that.

Noah’s a very funny, smart comedian. I first came to know of him on an appearance he had on Stephen Fry’s QI. My only concern is that he might not be as familiar with American culture and (more importantly) government as may be necessary.

The great thing about Colbert and Stewart was/is that they knew the complex, intricate and often silly and detrimental nooks and crannies of the US system well enough to get in there and pick at them. I can’t see Noah (right now) engaging successfully with a Bill O’Reilly or setting up his own Super PAC. At the same time it’s hard to think that Noah will be able to get at the guts of US race and culture the same way Wilmore does. Even Oliver was greatly entrenched in America (He’s lived here for nearly a decade, covered political elections, and married a vet for Pete’s Dragon!) before he created his fantastic, deep, and worldwise show.

The comedy of Noah, as it relates to the US, seems much more as a fish-out-of-water, and The Daily Show, for good or bad, seems much more like a revealing the hidden (and not so hidden) skeletons in the closet. I hope he can pull it off AND bring a more international viewpoint to the show.


Oh, you are correct. But I would prefer a reality where every aspect of my life had a bit more Shall and H John Benjamin.

The first tweet was not an example of anti-semitism by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve often felt that Israeli national ambitions are diametrically opposed to peace (Cue argument that should not take place in this thread).

The rest is kind of cringe-worthy, but it does fall within the bounds of what a lot of comics get away with on a regular basis. I’m not saying it’s acceptable, but good luck finding a comic that doesn’t have problematic material. Unless you’re going to go for someone like Brian Regan or Jim Gaffigan. But clean comics won’t cut it for something like The Daily Show.

That would be K for Killers.


Well, you could write all that, or you could look up what a merkin is, and what the colloquial use of 'Murica is, and maybe contemplate the possibility of a riff.

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Mr. Noah has some very colorful things to say about atheists, (fat) women, and Jews.

Note that these clever, clever tweets regarding Hitchens were on the day he died. The hashtag #WeAllNeedAGod imputes that fans of Hitchens were, apparently, “worshippers.” Oh, but, too bad your god is dead now! Just a weird attempt at humor, if that’s what it was.

Only person I’ve seen do things like this (and get away with it) is a comedian like Louis CK, but he can do it because he undermines his own message as he does it. That is, he means the opposite of what he’s saying.

As you can see from these tweets, with Noah, not so much. Noah actually does find atheists and (fat) women laughable.

Well, looking on the bright side, I don’t think one casual bigot can kill the TDS franchise; it will take two or more.


Whoa, /r/atheism hates him too? I honestly can’t think of a better endorsement.

I know, right? atheists are so stupid!

As an atheist, I am not at all offended. Some atheists really do seem to make personality cults out of their heroes. (I really hope that he also has some more nuanced ideas about religion/atheism though). The Jewish comments seem mildly offensive (just not particularly funny), and the ones about women are the only ones that I find just boorish and in poor taste.


Hardcore followers of Hitchens are pretty much insufferable, yes.

In any case, as the officially elected representative of the Atheist Jews, I hereby absolve Trevor Noah of his crimes against us. If someone wants to vouch for him in regard to the other tweets, now’s the time.

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