Vintage photos of women in tiny miniskirts with huge old computers

Yeah, I’m just seeing women wearing the fashions of their respective eras. Seek ye the Devil, as they say.


I don’t think these photos are so “weird”, otherwise I must confess I have many “weird” photos of my mom from those years in tiny miniskirts… it was just, you know, fashion.


Is this one a computer ad or a hostage situation? It looks like she’s tied up.


Gimme a break. It was 1970.
Legs (and sideburns for the guys, if you noticed) were IN.


If you consider how “outrageous” was the miniskirt when it was introduced, then probably one could think that these ads were very “sex-sells” for the times. On the other hand I think that if you want to sell cutting edge technology (like computers) it’s a good idea to use cutting edge, “modern” imagery. A young secretary with modern, fashionable dress is probably a more effective testimonial, representing what is new, dynamic and modern. Oh yes and she’s also cuter :smiley:


We’ve all got those ‘weird’ photos of your mom, dude.


I’ve seen the ‘sex-sells’ ads from those days, and it was all about lying over the car bonnet (or hard drive) in a bikini.
This post just seems to be denigrating women, who appear to be faithfully and respectfully represented in the images.
No wonder women seem to have it so bad. Even where they’re represented true to the times they get sold to us as ‘bling’ by a blogger who’s also a woman


According to the wife, miniskirts are by for more comfortable than trousers and easier to buy with a big hip to waist ratio, like more formal shorts, but with long legs not worth the creepy and even the hang around’y guy trouble. By old family photos 70s and early 80s miniskirts were pretty common to the point of unnoticeability, no?
One thing I noticed was all chunky heels and no spikes or torture toes, these might actually be comfortable shoes.
Most of these could be actual operators, and lest we forget some geek girls are super attractive.


Worst pedometer ever


Data entry (punching the cards) was seen as a female occupation, so you’d expect to see women in shots of data entry machines.


I also noticed that half or more of these ads were for minicomputers and peripherals, not room-sized mainframes. Those tended to be advertised with pictures of mostly male power-nerds in lab coats.

I never saw a lab coat in a computer room except at a hospital.

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Whew. I thought that it was a pregnancy test.


Even serious women engineers wore tiny miniskirts in that era, witness the classic photo of Margaret Hamilton standing next to her team’s listings of the Apollo 11 code.

It won’t let me post the photo, but perhaps a more seasoned poster can extract and post it so that everyone can enjoy it.


Yup, a standard nerd, working in the nerd uniform of the day.


That Ipod is huge.

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God, Crays are beautiful.


This is my favorite:

She’s clearly just waiting for this dumb f’n photo shoot to end so she can get to her hair appointment. She’s got an audition for a John Hughes meeting scheduled for later.


Some of those “miniskirts” are barely above the knee:

This one, on the other hand, looks like the start of a set from an 80’s Penthouse spread:


Yeah, there is one of the older ones that looks so much like an actual photograph of my mother (she had been a newspaper editor) that I had to take a double-take to make sure that wasn’t actually my mom.

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Came here to say much the same thing. There are a couple that are supposed to be glamorous, but mostly they are just people dressed as they used to dress.

By these standards any picture of people in the street in my area (close to NYU) would be “sex sells !!!11!!1” because many of the young men and women wear revealing clothing in their day to day activities.