Vintage photos of women in tiny miniskirts with huge old computers

He is a brand new user, so he doesn’t have the permissions to do it yet. @Douglas_Spadotto you can post a link to it though.


It is obviously a giant nose-hair clipper! -sheesh-

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Looks a bit more like a rejected Kate Bush album cover…

I also want it… my girlfriend will not allow me to have that one. This is HP Fourier Analyzer 5451, there is even hint on the photo :wink: (except for the unreadable name on the top, though HP logo is recognizable):

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Figured that it was some sort of analyzer…
Was trying to figure out if the “A Frenchman Invented It” at the bottom of the woman’s skirt is actually part of the skirt…

At least the Captain gets leggings… (and several more inches of fabric)


Heh, good eyesight :), I have missed that … I have been able to notice Fourier only.

Yea, I’d be really, really surprised if this wasn’t, and having been a male teenager in the 80’s, let’s just say I have some knowledge…


When I got to the woman with the cigarette the song “one of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn’t belong” popped into my head.


Never skip leg day.

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Exactly. They’re just what young women wore back in the day. I had a couple of REAL miniskirts that beat the shortest of these by a couple of inches.


Lovely Lee Jacques isn’t an office girl by nature. She lives on a houseboat in Chelsea and spends a lot of time in the country giving riding lessons. She hates to be separated from her horses for more than a day or two. 'There’s something about the power of a horse that I just love. They’re such intelligent animals, and so strong, yet with all that power, they are extremely gentle and sensitive. Juct liko my ideal men, really. Strong and sensitive, with plenty of power under the saddle.’ Lee told us that the next time she appears in Penthouse, she would like to be naked in a field surrounded by her favourite animals.

‘I’m much more at home in the open air’, she told us. ‘That’s why I live on the river. I have to be in town for my work, but living on the river brings you closer to the rawness of nature. Of course, I have to get into the office from time to time, but, in office hours, it’s strictly business.’

Ew, smoking at the computer. Imagine her keyboard, inside, etc.


Warrant’s Cherry Pie is what went through mine… I think it’s a conditioned response to obvious 80s porn.


I would post you a picture of my keyboard, but I don’t want to end up on some kind of watch list…


“Just do it” as Nike and Shia would say. :wink:

So how many feet does she have?

All that mylon,; I’m thinking someone will need a grounding strap.


Who wears short shorts?


That’s a modem? Does it play LPs?

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