Vultures circle GamerGate

So you think its OK if I were to threaten you?

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Iā€™m thinking that this is probably also very relevant

Its not that they align themselves with the part they like, rather its that they VIOLENTLY oppose the part it attacks, therefore, its all good because what they attack is all bad.

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I am so glad that this dead horse will have a chance to be beaten again.

I can wait for that point where I am old and decrepit, and culture views video games as just another form of media, and not some magical glorified ā€œlifestyle choiceā€ or as some horrible brain rotting alien scourge.

I think what you mean is ā€œI really want you to associate these critics with censorship and authoritarianism (particularly authoritarian socialism)ā€.
Your desire is clear, but whatā€™s missing is a justification. Authoritarianism and feminism are very obviously different philosophies. While there are almost certainly figures who have endorsed both philosophies, thatā€™s true of virtually any two philosophies you could name. It means nothing about the ideas themselves.
So why should we conflate these two in particular?


I smell a fallacy in thereā€¦ I either want to censor the media and force everyone to live in my happy leftist utopia by forceā€¦ Or I support horrible acts towards women?

I think that the middle has been excluded there.

I support neither? Us that possible?

Erā€¦ I think that ship has long sailed. If that is what GG was about originally, then it has been completely taken over and discredited by shrill hateful idiots. The people who still have some noble ideal (if they are even out there) should go find a new hash tag, and clear their ranks of the idiotic mysoginistic kids.

I donā€™t think anyone was talking about banning games that they donā€™t like. Some people were just starting to point out points where games fail, or reflect social problems. This is fine, it is as protected as speach as games themselves. If you donā€™t like it, do what I did until the GG people made this blow up, ignore it and keep consuming media for your enjoyment.

I still disagree with cultural commentators like Sarkeesian. But that doesnā€™t mean she is a valid target of hate or violent mob censorship (something you seem to claim GG is a reaction against).

Really, while being a fellow social libertarian (not a political one, not by a long shot), I admit that the GG crowd has as much right to voice their opinion as anyone else. But they also donā€™t have the right to avoid ridicule for their actions. Also their right to speak their mind pretty much ends when they start using threats of violence.

There is a far difference between criticising games and ā€œgamerā€ culture, and threatening people with death, or advocating backwards sexist hatred of women.


That sounds an awful lot like, ā€œtheyā€™re not actually saying what Iā€™m saying theyā€™re saying, and they havenā€™t actually done anything to censor anyone, but I know better.ā€


This kind of drivel and pandering only incites the over agitated and PC among us who wish to make social justice the watch word of the day, when the reality is it is a way to force ideology onto an unsuspecting public vua Cultural Marxism. Look at the Fems who are championing this debate, and you will find their critics who are pointing out that this is the same old tired attempts to blame everything on a fictitious patriarchy and make the world into a place where a man canā€™t do anything except commit micro aggressions against the litany of dogmatic PC agendas and walled off minds who run this game. Anyone who buys into this garbage (and no Iā€™m not defending the morons who have made threats and added fuel to the fire, Iā€™m all set with anyoneā€™s lame attempts at furthering the false dilemma mentality in regards to meta strategy in this debate), you have been tricked. learn to think critically and remove contradictions from your mind. This war against a gaming group because they are inherently patriarchal and a threat to females is more of the same contradictory thinking based on bullshot scial science that comes out of the Frankfurt school of Fabian social justice and art. Itā€™s also mind control for idiots. But by all means donā€™tā€™ look into the claims, just stick with your guns and you inside the box paradigms and never think twice about latching onto a baseless and hollow ideology that treats men like shit and now seems to be intent on seeping into every pore of cultural life. Donā€™t base your conclusions on evidence or observed reality, base it on what some fem told me, or what I see in a Boin Boing article, because thatā€™s reality isnā€™t it?

And since theyā€™re threatening game creators with rape and murder, sunoxenā€™s argument is invalid (and unintentionally ironic). His bit about ā€œI am trying to actually argue on the merits, not resort to ad hominem and straw men,ā€ is especially ironic since his argument contains nothing but straw-men. Itā€™s like a fucking scare-crow convention.


Paragraphs are not a cultural marxist conspiracy. My brain gave up on that block of text about four or five lines in.


Waitā€¦ What war? People were making critiques on games, which is completely benign, even if you disagree with them. People were, rightly, calling out some behaviors from ā€œgamer cultureā€, and labeling them for what they are.

Neither of these really amount to much of a " war", just people stating their opinions.

If stop someone on the street whose preaching Nazi propaganda, and call them an idiot; am I now at war with them? Or am just also practicing free speech? You can be a jerk, and people can call you out for it, both of these are fine. Issuing death threats, obviously, crosses this line.

Also, which culture was attacked again? I play games, and never once felt attacked. Some people were stating their opinion tangentially related to one of my hobbies. I never once felt ā€œattackedā€. Oh no, people donā€™t like what I like, this means WAR.


Only two weeks ago you said you werenā€™t familiar with ā€œMs. Sarkisianā€, but now I guess youā€™re saying you know her type well enough to be sure censorship attempts are just around the corner.

At the same time youā€™re being confronted with actual examples where real people are trying to censor creators, which you are essentially saying have nothing to do with anything youā€™re concerned about, to the point where you canā€™t be bothered to acknowledge the comments.

Where do I stand if I argue from the basis that youā€™re displaying an amount of unfairness and hypocrisy that can be seen from space?


But they redirect you to .

So, you donā€™t really play games, but you object to anyone calling them (or any aspect of any of them) sexist in any way.

Presumably, by extension, you also reject any other criticism of the content of any games regarding race, or sexual orientation, say - or indeed, any criticism of this kind regarding any media/art.

Also, any proposal to counteract this, e.g. creating more games that didnā€™t have sexist aspects to them, or reflected wider experiences beyond that of cis-gendered white males, would be ridiculous, and you think weā€™d all agree with you on that.

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Cultural marxism was a good omen to start with, thank god i had my card at handā€™s reach. What do I win? Oh, a 25% off discount in faith for humanity. Dammit.


Was there a particular point to this article other than demonstrating that there is an individual on the Internet saying very silly things? Itā€™s like someoneā€™s getting desperate for clickbait now.

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Yep. I figured if I canā€™t have a reasonable and fair-minded conversation here, itā€™s best to allocate my time more efficiently elsewhere. Itā€™s not you, itā€™s me.

[quote=ā€œCraig_Bickford, post:152, topic:43358, full:trueā€]
PC [ā€¦] social justice [ā€¦] Cultural Marxism [ā€¦] Fems [ā€¦] fictitious patriarchy [ā€¦] dogmatic PC agendas [ā€¦] war [ā€¦] bullshot scial science [ā€¦] Fabian social justice and art [ā€¦] mind control [ā€¦] inside the box paradigms [ā€¦] hollow ideology [/quote]

Yup, nailed it.


Iā€™m sure your observations of reality are objective. Too bad the rest of us have to filter reality through a brain that constructs information for us based on our previous experiences. If only we could all be like you.