Watch the Kim Jong Un death scene that led to untimely death of 'The Interview'

And you’re OK with terrorist threats as a tactic to ensure high-brow humour standards in Hollywood?

You assign way too much importance to Kim Jong Un and far too little importance to freedom of speech. Time to rethink your priorities.


Why didn’t they just give Kim a writing credit? He would’ve been all over that.


His father Kim Jong Il, yes – he was obsessed with movies and even wrote (well, probably with help) an entire book about cinema and directing and reportedly had all the latest Western films delivered to him. I’m not sure Kim Jong Un is that enthusiastic about film.

The Hill has a copy that I don’t imagine will receive a takedown…

The only legitimate reason I’ve seen for holding off on this is that Japan are currently negotiating with NK to release people they kidnapped from Japan a decade ago. Sony, as a Japanese parent company, won’t want to jeopardise those negotiations.

Whoever has a screener copy of this (they are out there) NEEDS to leak this movie.


Penis potato is he.

My sister worked in Moscow for the East-West Creative Association in the late 80’s and early 90’s, and at one carried out the film copies for ‘The World is not Enough’ as hand-luggage. The Russians loved being the baddies in the James Bond films. Some of them still like it.


Yeah, fuck those kidnappees.

Going to just leave this here…

  1. Being leaked (as opposed to officially released) would not raise the ire of the North Koreans as much.

  2. As callous as this is: fuck the north koreans and whatever they’re using as bargaining chips. They kidnapped the people in the first place. Negotiating the return of these people is no guarantee that more won’t be kidnapped in future. In total scores of Japanese have been kidnapped and taken to NK. A better solution would be to figure out how to destabalise the shithole until it collapses, or to assassinate the asshole leader.

Where is Charlie Chaplin’s THE GREAT DICTATOR when we need it? #HistoryIsBlackAndWhite

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NK are accidental heroes for getting another dumper by “The Fratpack” out of circulation.

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