Why is [state] so

Huh - I get “(Why is PEI so)il red”

Especially as the correct answer to the Texas query “Why is Texas so big?” is “It isn’t.”

As for the people who can’t fathom without google why Florida is hot…

I guess people wonder why Ontario has nearly half tha Canadians.

I’m not suggesting anything about Alabama, but the data could be easily explained by splitting the vote…

I would have expected Florida to be “Why is Florida so shooty and/or Stand Your Ground-y”?

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The thing is, in Illinois, unlike any other state I can think of, we actually investigate, arrest, prosecute, and imprison our corrupt public servants. We’re a damned ethical state, thankyouverymuch.

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That’s definitely under “so fucked-up” as far as I’m concerned…

I actually found that kind of disturbing. The second most popular search is apparently (“so humid”). Really? Are most of the people doing searches children?

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They probably just misspelled God.

Other possible autocompletes.

Also, when I selected Good every single link was about football.

look, I made on of Europe and its neighbours. Don’t blame me, it’s what Google says. Note that France seems to have recently gone from “expensive” to “gay”, Germany from “rich” to “clean” and Spain from “corrupt” to “empty”… Also, if you search for “the UK” it’s no longer powerful, but rainy. And yes, the Turkey result probably refers mostly to the bird.

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How in the world did New Hampshire win “expensive” ? Everyone knows it’s the state w/ no income tax and cheap booze!

The saying down here, I paraphrase, is that only two things matter… Jesus and football, and that those may not even be in the right order.
BTW, is anyone missing their weather? I’ve got incredible powder outside right now and I don’t even own a sled, much less skis.

There it is! Much as you may be enjoying it, you are going to have to send it back. Utah has too much invested in powdery snow to change now. We have entire fleets of snowplows standing idle. Piles of unspread salt. Kids that can’t look at their sleds without crying.

Just be firm. Tell the snow that vacation is over and it has to go back to work.

Thanks Much!

and Illinois isn’t even that bad compared to some other states:

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Why is alabama so poor?

  • Because of the legacy of slavery.

Why is alabama so conservative?

  • Because of the legacy of slavery.

Why is alabama so stupid?

  • Because of the legacy of slavery.

Why is alabama so good?

  • Because of the legacy of Bear Bryant.

I love how many of the questions answer each other.

Also, I couldn’t help not typing the space after ‘so’ for Canada : )

…The actual tenth suggestion for me is ‘empty’. PMSL, I just noticed what it says if I just type ‘why is canada’ - ‘a country’!

Damn Yanks, reckon they own the bloody world.

No thank you, we already have Minnesota’s weather here in Detroit.

Wow, Scandanavia got the trifect: Rich, Happy, Smart.

But how did Czech Republic get “Atheist”?

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