10 facts about the SWATification of the US

Dunno. They wear black up here (Ottawa). Mind you, all the cops wear black with kevlar vests now - paramilitary cops can have more than one Look, I guess. I kinda miss cops who looked like cops.

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It does help them stand out against the snow.

No danger of them being overlooked even when we don’t have snow…

I’m not saying I know what would have happened, but I will say I’m glad the Ferguson police department didn’t have one of those.

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Not everything needs to be ificated. Headline writers should try other morphemes from time to time. Maybe the odd prefix too. I could go for enswatment…


To Protect and Serve, look you

The ificationification of headlines must end.

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I agree. We should spifflicate -ificate.

Works for me. Stylish, even.

For headlines, -ification is fine. However, re-ification of some of the headlines around here (particularly those involving bananas) would be scary.

There are those who don’t get that re-ification and reification are about different things
Everyone here gets it, of course, but …

It must suck to be one of those 100+ families.


Ah. The misfortune one hundred.

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It’s okay, they probably had it coming. People like you and me are safe.



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