2000 Americans a day dying of Covid, again

Imagine the response if these folks had to get into an x-ray body scanner in the airport that shows their junk to a minimum wage employee to check for COVID tho…


If they could see brown people being harassed, or if it otherwise made liberals unhappy, I’m sure it would be a necessary evil that they could magically live with.


Meanwhile, in Texas & Florida, the Governors are forbidding ‘vaccine passports’, as well as preventing localities from enacting measures to fight the disease.

Gonna need a bigger blender, & more than one bottle…

What, you put ketchup on your salad?

I don’t doubt some of those people are stone-cold sadists; the previous mal-administration provided a steady stream of that sort of behaviour.


I was in college and quite politically active at the time. I remember being so frustrated at the Dubya regime. I had just read LoTR and remember (prior to 9/11) thinking, “if only it was so clear cut, like in those books. If only we had a concrete, identifiable source of evil to vanquish.”
Then 9/11 happened and I learned in a very visceral way that, even with a seemingly concrete, identifiable source of evil, it is exceedingly complex.


Some of them have a change of heart in the ICU as they are dying.

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They sure do. As the cardiac muscle thickens, spasms and dies their heart changes a lot.


Happy cake day! May your cardiac muscles stay strong for another several rotations around the sun.





You’re absolutely right! The point I was trying to make (probably poorly), was there’s a difference in how someone views a physical, politically-motivated attack that comes from an actual group of people, and an invisible force of nature that just goes wherever and can make you complicit in its spread and lethality.

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I thought you made your point, and I agree. When it comes to the kind of mob mentality we’re dealing with, it’s way easier to have a concrete enemy in the form of an “other” to unleash their fury on.
I was mostly reminiscing about my learning about how, for us thoughtful humans, it’s never ever simple or easy. We always try to think about the larger effects of any retaliations and that makes it complex and nuanced and something these covidiots don’t give a shit about.


That is a depressing graph.

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