2001: A Space Odyssey, the 15-minute "audiobook" version for kids

Way to kill the mood, doc!


Hyams originally wanted to do a Western but was unable to find anyone who would bankroll it. Looking at the timeline, he must have been pitching it at the time when United Artists was haemorrhageing money into Heaven’s Gate, so not a good time to produce another western. It was, however, a good time to pitch a science fiction movie, what with every studio looking enviously at the money Star Wars just had raked in.
So Hyams then made Outland. Which basically is High Noon on Io.


Look, it is standard procedure on any Vogon ship to shove freeloading hitchhikers out of the next airlock.


Star Wars, the dollar signs that launched a thousand hopeful studio executives and made 80’s sci-fi possible.

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I’m all for speeding it up.


instead of

boom [wait wait wait wait] boom [wait wait wait wait] boom [wait wait wait wait] BOOM [wait] BOOOM

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As I recall, the opening shot of Outland begins with a ships manifest telling us how many doomed souls crew the oupost. As does Alien.

one of the themes of 2001 was how ill suited humans are to space, and why computers are better suited to this new age.

Not as such. Establishing shots of Io and the mine, overlayed with computer terminal script giving information about Io and the mining operation. Including one three-items-list giving the number of persons on Io, but that’s it.
After that, space welder on a bad trip, seeing things, rupturing his space suit, blowing up inside it.

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