2020 Election Thread (formerly: 2020 Presidential Candidates Thread) (Part 1)

There’s such an easy solution. Sure, it can be considered tokenism, but hire at least one Spanish-speaking person on your campaign and have them do the translation. Make it a priority. Have it be a paid position (instead of volunteer) and you can put bilingualism as a requirement.

I know Spanish isn’t an official language in the US, but neither is English. It is, however, widely spoken in larger swathes of the country than people think. Taking a little time can make a big difference.


Asking someone with the specific skills to do a needed job is not tokenism. You’re suggesting a good thing, and it’s not an empty symbolic gesture; it’s clear value for money.


That’s why I said “could be considered”. Some people would argue that if that’s the only Spanish speaking person on the campaign, then it’s still a relatively empty gesture.

I don’t see it that way, since the hiring criterion of “bilingual fluency in English and Spanish” is a skill-set. But I am white and monolingual, so have always been catered to in that sense. I don’t get to define what that means.


Billionaire moron Howard Schultz has weighed in on Trump’s threat to close the southern border by… blaming both parties.

God, I’m so tired…


However, isn’t the author a bit of a Bernie Bro? (I ask as someone who caucused for Sanders 2 years ago.) I interpret this article as acceptance that Buttigieg is a more serious candidate than his current office or age or lack of national stature would normally suggest.

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Take it how you will, I guess. I wasn’t advocating for or against, merely posting an article of relevance to 2020.


I agree, no quibble with you posting the article. I don’t even have any beef with Robinson’s analysis of Buttigieg, though as he systematically goes after every candidate not named “Bernie” and he is on the record as saying Sanders is the only candidate wort considering, it should probably be taken as op-ed rather than journalism.


I think this is the one thing that was so aggravating about “Bernie Bros” that I met in real life, the whole “my guy or I’ll burn this place down” attitude. Me, I am more of a “we have a bunch of great people, I just like {X} more than {Y}”. And right now that {X} is Kamala Harris, but I really like almost all of those running for the Democratic nomination.


The more I hear about this guy the more I like where he is coming from. Not committed at this point, but certainly interested.



See also this thread:


I really like this guy. I don’t think government should be run by religion at all, but if you’re gonna be inspired by it, at least come away with the right message: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pete-buttigieg-trump-christianity_n_5ca617fae4b0409b0ec4f7ab


Thank You, Bernie For Mainstreaming Democratic Socialism

Bernie Sanders deserves credit for successfully separating in our national consciousness American capitalism from American patriotism by exposing our brand of capitalism as a badly flawed economic philosophy that has favored the wealthy to the detriment of the majority of Americans and our American democracy.


In re: the whole Biden touchiness thing, I will quote my niece as I feel she is more qualified to comment on this particular issue:

“.Hot take, yeah Joe Biden’s weird touchy shit is a generational issue. And somebody who cannot adapt to changing behavioral norms shouldn’t be president in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty. Not to say he’s a bad person, or that he hasn’t been a good politician (except fuck Biden for how he treated Anita Hill) but at this precise moment in time, it appears that he has lost relevancy.”

I agree wholeheartedly with her analysis of the situation.



“I’m sorry I didn’t understand more,” Biden told reporters following a speech to a gathering of union workers. “I’m not sorry for any of my intentions. I’m not sorry for anything that I have ever done. I have never been disrespectful intentionally to a man or a woman. So that’s not the reputation I’ve had since I was in high school, for God’s sake.”

Keep digging, Joe. You’ll hit paydirt eventually for sure.


“What matters is not whatever all those women felt. What matters is what I feel. By gumnabbit!”


I guess less about candidates and more about the debate between supply side and demand side economics (Keynsianism)…


It’s not one-boxing… sorry!


The vets from the Hell of a Way to Die podcast giving their take on Mayor Pete:

(podcast only, no transcript available)


For your amusement…


And there’s his bootstrappy “If you wrote a bestselling book, you too could be a millionaire” which is so wrong on so many levels it isn’t funny.

Go ahead, guess who this might be.

And if you say a million isn’t a lot, or who cares, they’re all rich… Well, I’d like to have your kind of money where you can believe that.