Ah, but is Bloomberg running against Trump, or against Sanders?
- Sanders wins: Rich guy might have to pay more taxes.
- Bloomberg wins: Rich guy gets to be president.
- Trump wins: Rich guy keeps on riching.
Ah, but is Bloomberg running against Trump, or against Sanders?
Seems there was something about lying as well
And breaking of sacred hospitality laws.
If Christianity, Islam or Judaism is correct then the Republicans are so fucked.
Ikr? Heck, even in that picture of Beck wearing a maga hat and a cotton polyester jacket shown a big one about about not mixing fabrics
Right - but did he pay them a boatload to sign another NDA which outlined what they would say about the previous one?
Releasing a select few is not terribly different from releasing none at all, maybe worse. He is a shitstorm in progress.
I wonder how many layers of NDA there are?
If you get too many NDAs you wind up on double secret NDA.
It’s a “freind attack”. When someone unsavory says they’re your friend, it makes you look worse even if you had nothing to do with it.
Reposting from upthread:
Bloomberg doesn’t care who wins, so long as the plutocratic status quo is maintained. How better to do that than by ensuring both parties run plutocratic candidates and/or sabotaging any non-plutocratic alternatives?
Bloomberg’s twitter for the last week has been a constant stream of attacks on Bernie, btw.
Or for the high-octane version:
This is a truly great headline. Classic, vintage red-baiting, with a hint of modern plausible deniability for Snopes. Solid, workmanlike if unimaginative, example of the yellow journalism school of propaganda.
Four stars out of five.
nice to see cnn reporting the russian honeymoon trope as if it were fact
I’d only give that headline about three stars. Overall very similar to the other one, with a little bit more of a nod towards superficial neutrality, but somehow unpleasantly smarmy and insinuating.
Honestly, that’s how I found my current physician.
Bernie is pretty popular amongst computer animators
the one thing mike bloomberg has going for him is how much he makes me like pete buttigieg