2020 Uprising: Enough is Enough



Wild. I’m half-tempted to go look up what the news story was in 2006 that spawned these.


… except for the tiny detail that I neither broke the vase, nor am an elephant. I just don’t understand why some are asking all donkeys to get out of the vase store after the elephant broke it.

Tinnitus is bad. I have it. But guess what? An easy way to not cause it is don’t shoot people 20 times.

I feel sorry for protesters who end up with it due to sound cannons. Not for these guys.

ETA: and before anyone jumps in to point out that the person they shot was armed and had shot someone else, that still doesn’t justify shooting back that many times.


One of the oldest tricks in their book. Other grave injuries police are known to suffer are torn nails, heads bumped when getting out of a cruiser, or bruised knuckles after beating a protester with a criminally bony face.



Includes a look at the tactics and rhetoric used by PDs to keep their power in a community.



For the same reason we would have demanded that soldiers leave the Nazi army in WWII. Because there is no good to be done in service of an evil agenda.

Given the extensively-documented behavior of police officers across the country over the last two weeks (to say nothing of the last few decades), what exactly do you think “good cops” are doing to restrain their fellow officers? If the cops are already beating, gassing, and shooting peaceful protesters and media alike on camera, declaring that they will “win the war on NYC” in public statements, and blaming protesters for the death of the man they’re protesting for, what more could they possibly get up to when the good cops leave?

Either there aren’t enough good cops left to materially impact the behavior and capability of the police force as a whole, or there are. If there are, then by leaving they defang the beast by withdrawing their consent to be used as tools of oppression. If there aren’t, well, at least they’ll have a clear(er) conscience about taking a stand against the oppressors, and everyone will see just how rotten the entire barrel truly is.


All fair points. I’ll try to get it through my thick head.

Mod note: I’m having a real issue with the way this discussion is trending - that there’s only one valid solution to this crisis and that opposing views are improper.

No one has a crystal ball here. Even with tactics tried in the past, the situation now is different than it was then. Opinions are welcome here, and vigorous debates and counterpoints are also. What is not welcome is folks silencing others because they feel their opinions are unwelcome. Don’t do that.

I’ve cleared out a lot of the offending posts, but please treat your fellow posters with respect, or flag guideline violations. Don’t derail. Thanks.


The dems gained control of both houses of congress. The narrative of republicans was “see, all the problems that you complained about are still here. If you can’t suddenly fix the problems of Iraq and Afganistan and everything else then it must be your fault”


… being held overnight to ensure “public safety”… reminds me a lot of my experiences with anti-Nazi and anti-nuclear protests in Germany in the 90ies. We saw a lot of small-town gyms…

But even then, they weren’t plucking random citizens off the street. Protecting the public safety from the general public… even a cop should be able to note the disconnect there



Now this is a good question:

Of course we see some of that now, but having rules in place to prevent neighborhoods (let’s be realistic, the white, affluent ones) from simply hiring mercenaries is going to be a key issue, here.


This is going to end badly, very very badly.

National guard, doing curfew rounds, shoot paint bullets at family on their own porch!


Cops lying:

Even The NYPost knows you should double check what the cops say


Where can I find the source map they are using? I found this:

But this is different and more minimal.

I’d had that thought, but the comic I posted was specifically drawn in June of that year, well before the election, so I was wondering if there was something else that brought it on. It still applies as an observation of the pre-election debate strategy though, so you’re probably right. :slight_smile: