I saw a great sign at the rally today:
Blue Lines = Gang Signs
I saw a great sign at the rally today:
Blue Lines = Gang Signs
Who could have possibly predicted that, of all organizations, the police would lie about what’s going on in response to the police totally disregarding the rights and life of George Lloyd?
I’m shocked. Absolutely shocked. My shock is so great it cannot be measured by modern scientific instruments.
*taps indicator*
Wait, no, I’m sorry. My instruments were providing me with inaccurate information. I am, in fact, zero shocked.
Spoilers: the crowd went medieval on Robin Hood
Oh, after they kicked his ass they torched his car
And he apparently got at least one shot off:
Well, that is, so far, the most harrowing thing I’ve seen today. Le sigh.
Longer cut of what went down with Stupid Legolas
And milk - to ensure the tear gas hurts more. What sadists.
Thanks for posting that. I watched that live on KOMO as it was happening and had one of those, “am I really seeing this shit” moments. With all the speculation on Twitter over what happened I’m glad to see an official account. (And in other news, I guess Fox PJs need armed security around here.)
I hope it’s gonna be moments like this that would make those PUBG cosplay boog dorks back out of showing up to these protests
Edit: Oh I thought you were responding to a different post of mine. I guess that response would count too lol
Remember how Heather Heyer was murdered?
Conservatives: WhY R ThEe prOtestorS beeiNg so viOLent? tHe PopO are the kEEperS oF the PeeCe