2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Part 3)

Well, most people wouldn’t chose a warzone over Florida… but nowadays?


A White House National Security Council spokesperson has said that the U.S. has information indicating that Russia has laid additional sea mines in the approaches leading to Ukrainian Ports.

The U.S. is not ruling out that Russia might expand its attacks against civilian shipping in the Black Sea and blame Ukraine.


Don’t expect China to show any displeasure.

7m ago10.59 BST

Odesa governor: Chinese consulate in port city damaged after Russian attack

Odesa’s governor has reported that the Chinese consulate in the city was damaged in the overnight strike by Russia.

On Telegram, Oleh Kiper posted:

As a result of the Russian night attack, the building of the consulate general of the People’s Republic of China in Odesa was damaged.

The aggressor deliberately hits the port infrastructure. Administrative and residential buildings, as well as the consulate of the People’s Republic of China, were damaged. This suggests that the enemy does not pay attention to anything.


Seems like the kind of thing bored soldiers do with junked weapons, as a joke during their downtime. “Ha Ha, look what we did!”


You’d think so, but this is the Russian army we’re talking about. These poorly trained overgrown adolescents probably thought they’d invented the coolest and most awesome combat vehicle ever.


May 16: russia attacked Kyiv with Kinzhal missiles while Chinese envoy Li Hui was visiting the Ukrainian capital;
July 19: russia destroyed 60,000 tons of Ukrainian grain, some of which was supposed to have been exported to the PRC;
July 20: the building of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China, located in the middle of a residential area, was damaged as a result of a russian missile and drone attack on Odesa.
A brief chronicle of a friendship with no limits.


Russian Flagship Oil Cargo Transfers at Sea Grind to a Halt




Noted terrorist and war commentator Igor Girkin has been arrested, presumably for his criticism of Putin and the armed forces. Short thread:

24m ago12.07 BST

Russian investigators have detained prominent Russian nationalist and former Federal Security Service officer Igor Girkin, according to his wife.

Girkin, who is also known as Igor Strelkov, helped Russia annex Crimea in 2014 and then organise pro-Russian militias in eastern Ukraine. He said earlier this year that he was entering politics and has been increasingly critical of president Vladimir Putin.

The move suggests authorities may have wearied of his criticism of how Moscow is running its “special military operation” in Ukraine.

In a message posted on Girkin’s official Telegram account, his wife, Miroslava Reginskaya, said:

Today, at about 11.30, representatives of the Investigative Committee came to our house. I was not at home. Soon, according to the concierge, they took my husband out by his arms and in an unknown direction. I do not know anything about my husband’s whereabouts, he has not contacted me.

Here’s the Guardian’s 2016 interview with him.

Meanwhile Putin is perplexed that Poland still hasn’t invaded Ukraine to recover lost Polish lands.

16m ago12.40 BST

Putin claims, without evidence, that Poland plans to ‘directly intervene’ in Ukraine

Russian president Vladimir Putin has claimed at a meeting with members of the Russian security council that Poland plans to occupy part of Ukraine.

He said, in comments reported by BBC Russia:

As for the Polish leaders, they probably expect to form some kind of coalition under the NATO umbrella and directly intervene in the conflict in Ukraine, in order to then tear off a fatter piece for themselves, to regain, as they believe, their historical territories - today’s western Ukraine.

The western territories of present-day Poland are a gift from Stalin to the Poles, have our friends in Warsaw forgotten about this? We will remind you.

Putin reportedly did not specifically corroborate his statement in regards to the allegation of Polish intentions, according to the BBC. He previously invoked the idea of territorial “gifts” from Soviet authorities to justify Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Last week, Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova claimed in an interview with Al-Jazeera:

There is now an obvious desire of Poland to invade the western part of Ukraine. This is why Ukraine is not invited to NATO.

Reuters also reported that Putin said the west was stoking the “flames of war” by supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, and that Western weapons supplied to Ukraine “burn well” on the battlefield.


Oooh, Danaughty.

A child army of drone pilots?


Edit - more context:

So, sounds like reactor 5 is in hot shutdown mode to generate steam but russian occupiers want to switch 4 to hot shutdown and 5 to cold for maintenance reasons. However, doing so would result in the Ukranian operators violating instructions from the Ukranian state which is wanting all reactors in a cold shutdown state.


I read this as a direct threat. And I think several countries of the former Warsaw Pact will, too.
FTR, this is coming at a moment where Poland is preparing for a potential attack from Belarus, possibly by Wagner troops moved (and further of them still moving) there.

Combined with the situation in the Black Sea, this is not boding well. Not that anything in relation to this clusterfuck ever did bode well.


The thought of Belarus (well, Lukashenko) adding to this horror by invading fucking Poland is just too much. The world is shit enough already, we don’t need some mustachioed dickhead pushing us into WW3, we’re close enough already.


I doubt it. The old fence-sitter has a sweet racket maintaining his power by getting favours from Putin while giving the least possible he can in return. He’s not going to mess that up by invading Poland, especially when he hasn’t sent his own regular troops into Ukraine since the invasion began.