Originally published at: 3D circuit simulator | Boing Boing
Looks great. The parts list is very small and the 555 timer is the devil.
so is it a stripped down visual interface to SPICE?
College students, too.
In a recent role [1] as TA for an upper-division physics lab, I spent a lot of time reminding students to plan their setup, down to the wore and device placements, before coming to lab. This would be a splendid prep tool.
[1] Post-retirement grad student. The age was if anything an asset.
Neat, but I don’t know what the 3D really gives you besides making it tricky to insert components.
Note that when I shorted the battery in the 555 demo, putting a jumper right between + and - on the power bus, they simulated the battery smoking, which was nice, but the LED kept flashing. I don’t really think this would work.
My younger daughter just did a “circuits” themed kiwi crate, and while a typical mutant with already too many hobbies, I’m feeling another one coming on…this tool isn’t helping (or is, depending on your level of mutation…)
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