40 years ago, this TV commercial introduced the DeLorean to stunned viewers

Because if the car rolls and lands on the roof (more common that you might think), the doors won’t open. Gullwing doors are no longer allowed unless special safety features are built in, as in the examples above from Mercedes and Tesla. Racing series also do not allow them (or scissor doors such as on some Lamborghinis). The problem was compounded on the Delorean because it also doesn’t have proper opening widows. You get a little hatch too small to use for egress in an emergency.



I mean, what ad executive thought that comparing an expensive sports car to a flying beachshitter was a good idea? “I’ve always wanted to have a car that looked like an airborne rodent! Sign me up!”

Whatever drugs DeLorean was on, that ad exec was on double.

How much was it inspired by/ripped-off from the Bricklin?

But will it have a Mr. Fusion?

Well I certainly won’t be buying one w/out a Mr. Fusion!

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